Week in Review Week in Review: January 7, 2023 Highlights include 15 tips & tricks from Karl Donaubauer, the new digital signing feature for Access databases, and how to hash a string in VBA.
VBA Scope vs. Extent in VBA Master the extent and scope of your VBA variables for code that's efficient, effective, and easy to maintain.
ChatGPT My Policy on ChatGPT-Generated Content I plan to use ChatGPT to generate content at NoLongerSet.com. But I plan to do it with full transparency. Here is my pledge to you, dear reader.
ChatGPT ChatGPT The personal computer. Google search. The smart phone. Lifelike chat bots. Another generation-defining technology has arrived.
ChatGPT Copyright Implications of ChatGPT Content ChatGPT from OpenAI is taking the world by storm. Who owns the ChatGPT output? Can you pass it off as your own? Do you need to acknowledge OpenAI?
Database Design Beware of "Over-Normalizing" Your Database Sometimes the two primary goals of database normalization--reduced data redundancy and improved data integrity--are at odds with each other.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: January 1, 2023 Highlights include a redesigned form preview button, a file watcher sample application from fafalone, and a holiday message from Wayne Phillips.
Week in Review Week in Review: December 31, 2022 Highlights include a deep dive into creating a customer follow-up database, automatic form resizing, and a risk-minimizing approach to app rewrites.
VBA Avoiding the "Invalid in Immediate Pane" Error Sometimes, using the colon character to combine statements in the immediate window results in an "Invalid in immediate pane" error. Here's why and how to fix it.
Code Library Converting VBA Long Color Values to RGB The VBA RGB() function converts red, green, and blue values into a VBA long integer color value. This simple function works in the other direction.
Tools Using FreeMind as a Schema Development Tool In the early stages of planning a database design, I prefer a tool that lets me capture my thoughts as they flow without getting in the way. FreeMind is that tool.
Basic The Single Most Important Concept for Understanding Relational Databases If you're coming to the database world from the spreadsheet world, this one key concept will help you make the necessary mindset shift.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: December 26, 2022 Highlights include the smallest bug report in twinBASIC history, a repository of twinBASIC sample projects, and a tB-based VBA DocTest runner from Ben Clothier.
Holiday Merry Christmas "...She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
Week in Review Week in Review: December 24, 2022 Highlights include tentative dates for Access DevCon Vienna, the evils of split forms, listing complex fields, and more festive Access art from Crystal Long.
Reader Challenge Calculating Gift Counts for "The Twelve Days of Christmas": Recursion Edition In the second solution to my recent reader challenge, I use recursion to calculate the cumulative number of gifts given for each day of the "12 Days of Christmas."
Reader Challenge Calculating Gift Counts for "The Twelve Days of Christmas": Looping Edition In the first solution to my recent reader challenge, I use a loop to calculate the cumulative number of gifts given for each day of the "12 Days of Christmas."
Reader Challenge Reader Challenge: Write a Formula to Calculate Gift Totals in "The Twelve Days of Christmas" How many total gifts does one's true love deliver by the nth day of Christmas? It's a deceptively tricky problem to solve.
Code Library Dt() Function v3: Refactoring with Automated Tests Reader Brenda Bachtold provides a more readable version of my date-wrapping function. Automated doc tests prove that her version functions the same as mine.
Code Library Dt() Function v2: Handling Time-Only Date Values An important bug fix for my previously published date-wrapping VBA function that addresses an issue integrating time-only values with SQL Server.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: December 18, 2022 Highlights include initial support for user controls, a new list view option for the form designer toolbox, and another sample twinBASIC project from fafalone.
Week in Review Week in Review: December 17, 2022 Highlights include Access's new code signing feature, rotating and scaling images, drawing snowflakes (festive!), and a BRAND NEW Access blog.
SQL Server Epoch Differences Between VBA and SQL Server Do you have unexplained dates of December 30, 1899 in your SQL Server database? VBA's epoch (i.e., zero date) could be the culprit.
Database Design Sample Database Schemas for the Database Design Phase The most important phase of any Microsoft Access application project is the database design. This site has tons of sample schemas to get you started.
Code Library GetLatestOledbProvider(): Use VBA to get the Latest SQL Server OLE DB Provider This simple VBA function will check the user's registry and return the latest OLE DB provider from a list of supported providers that you can customize.