Commentary The Key to Navigating Unfamiliar Territory Without a Map How I successfully led a 60-vehicle military convoy at 23 years old without knowing what I was doing or where I was going.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: November 28, 2021 Highlights include the first major release of file handling statements and functions in twinBASIC, along with talk of providing a tB license to the Rubberduck project.
COM Early Binding vs. Late Binding: The Essential Guide for VBA Developers The Absolute Minimum Every VBA Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Early and Late Binding in COM (No Excuses!)
Risk Management Cowpathing with Microsoft Access How do you decide where to spend your software development dollars? Don't guess what your users need, let them show you with Access.
Database Design When to Store Numbers as Text Introducing the "Numeroliteral Test," a one-question heuristic for deciding whether to store numeric data in a character-based field.
Commentary 3 Benefits of Writing Code Backwards Ignore those compile errors and start writing your calling code before your routines. This approach has many benefits.
Commentary Access Dataverse Connector Did you ever think to yourself, "I wish there was a way to make my back-end data less flexible *and* less powerful?" Good news; your wait is over!
Advanced 64-bit Unsigned Integers in VBA VBA is missing a data type. The workaround--while not pretty--is at least straightforward.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: November 21, 2021 Highlights include 64-bit compilation support (no license required!) and a discussion about early binding and reference handling.
COM High Level Overview of COM This whirlwind tour of the Component Object Model technology will jump start your journey of automating Excel from VBA in Access.
COM What the #$%& is COM!? One of the most important concepts in VBA is also one of the least understood. Let's shine a light on the Component Object Model.
Business Shared Reports in Clockify Never waste time preparing a detailed list of hours for your clients again using this handy feature from Clockify.
Memory Management Large Address Aware Flag Getting a lot of "Out of memory" errors in newer versions of Access? This trick can more than triple your available memory in 32-bit versions of Access.
Announcement Access Roadmap Update Microsoft has recently updated the Access roadmap for 2021 and beyond. Check out what's on the horizon for the next 14 months.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: November 14, 2021 Highlights include temporary removal of the license key requirement for CustomControls and partial inheritance support using Implements ... Via.
Professional Development UNC Alias for a Local Folder The subst command lets us mimic mapped network drives. But what if your backend tables are linked using UNC paths? Don't worry. We can handle those, too!
Commentary Let's Make Access More Version-Control Friendly Hey! Wouldn't it be great if Access was version-control friendly out of the box? If you agree, head over to the Access feedback portal and vote for my request.
Commentary How to Request New Features for Microsoft Access After a long and conspicuous absence, Microsoft has finally published a new website where you can submit and vote on feature requests.
Error Handling Why "Add an Error Handler to Every Routine" is Bad Advice For every complex problem, there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong. (Shocking, I know.)
Commentary 5 Types of Documentation Each type of documentation has unique strengths and weaknesses. Knowing when and how to use each is an important skill for every developer.
Business Comparative Advantage One person can be more productive than another in every way, and yet, by trading freely with each other, both sides can come out ahead.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: November 7, 2021 Highlights include our first look at a working twinBASIC form, the early makings of inheritance support, and the promise of custom ActiveX control development.
Quick Tip Quick Tip: Alt Codes in Windows Checkmarks, bulleted lists, section symbols, pi, daggers, copyrights, etc. Each of these symbols can be entered in Windows using an easy keyboard shortcut.
SQL Finding Duplicate People by Date of Birth Let's explore the GROUP BY syntax with an exercise in identifying duplicate records in a Person table.