twinBASIC HOW TO: Creating a Standard (non-ActiveX) DLL with twinBASIC With twinBASIC, you no longer need C++ to build a standard DLL. Call high-performance code from VBA without needing the Windows registry.
COM ActiveX vs. Standard DLLs What's the difference between an ActiveX (COM) and Standard DLL? When would you choose one over the other?
Announcement Access at Microsoft Build 2022 You'll never guess what the Access team talked about at the recent annual Microsoft Build conference. I'll give you a hint: it rhymes with "beta curse."
twinBASIC HOW TO: Creating an Office COM Add-in with twinBASIC Ever wish you could turn your VBA code into a COM add-in that would run in 32- AND 64-bit Office applications? It's easier than ever with twinBASIC.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: June 12, 2022 Highlights include ActiveX control support on twinBASIC forms and a discussion about the (accidental?) interface constructor language feature.
Week in Review Week In Review: June 11, 2022 Highlights include a better date picker control, dashboard-style gauges, and drawing shapes in Access reports.
Debugging Fixing a Persistent "Write Conflict" Error If you are getting consistent "Write Conflict" warnings when using bound forms to update SQL Server tables with datetime fields, there may be an easy fix.
Migration Scripted SQL Server Migrations Use this batch file to automatically backup a database on one instance of SQL Server and restore it on a different instance of SQL Server.
Deployment Mark of the Web (MOTW) Support Among Zip Utilities What happens to the Mark of the Web when you extract files from a downloaded .zip file? It depends on what you use to do the extraction.
Migration SQL Server Migration Steps My SQL Server migration philosophy consists of two priorities: (1) Avoid disasters and (2) Minimize production downtime.
Whiteboard Sessions Microsoft Access: A Victim of Its Own Success Looking for bold new features in Microsoft Access? Don't hold your breath.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: June 5, 2022 Includes a sneak peek of the upcoming ActiveX Control Extender support in twinBASIC.
Week in Review Week in Review: June 4, 2022 Highlights include major changes to the Access roadmap, Richard Rost's Beginner Access video course is now free, and research on developer interviews.
Defensive Programming In Defense of Security Through Obscurity There are two key elements to defending a military position: cover AND concealment. It's not an either-or proposition.
SQL SQL Gotcha: When an OUTER JOIN Accidentally Becomes an INNER JOIN If you apply a WHERE filter directly to the OUTER JOIN side of a query you will effectively turn it into an INNER JOIN.
Form Design Choosing the Right Font Fonts fall into six main categories. There is no one "best" type of font. Rather, each type serves different purposes.
Announcement What Happened to the Access Roadmap? [Access Developers]: Stop putting out bad information on the public roadmap.[Microsoft]: OK, we'll stop putting out information on the public roadmap.
Bug Alert Office FeatureGates: How Microsoft Can Break and Fix Their Applications in Under 24 Hours Microsoft Access regularly breaks following Office updates. But, sometimes, it *starts* working again just as suddenly. Here's how that works.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: May 29, 2022 Highlights include new build features, a good Exit Code discussion, and a multi-threaded twinBASIC proof of concept from Ben Clothier.
Week in Review Week in Review: May 28, 2022 Highlights include two new Access bugs, a modern On/Off toggle control, setting list box font colors by column, and resurrected videos from the Access forums vault.
Database Design The 13 Kinds of Business Application Tables Database tables in a line-of-business application generally fall into one of these thirteen categories.
Announcement Building Ribbon Interfaces in Code Join me online on Wednesday, July 6, for my presentation "Building Ribbon Interfaces in Code" to the Access Europe user group.
SQL Server HOW TO: Automate Batch Deletion of SQL Server Records Using a single DELETE statement to remove 20 million+ records from SQL Server is a bad idea. Here's a better approach.
SQL Server Deleting a Large Number of Records in SQL Server Let's explore four options--two bad and two good--for deleting one million or more records from a single SQL Server table.
Debugging Breaking Down Windows Error Codes Did you know there is a method to the madness behind those crazy-looking VBA error numbers like 0x80070005 or its decimal equivalent -2,147,024,891?