Presentations UKAUG 2024: twinBASIC: Past, Present, and Future Links and resources from my talk today at the UK Access User Group 2024 Autumn Conference at the historic University of Oxford.
twinBASIC Building PhotoDemon with twinBASIC PhotoDemon is one of the most complex VB6 open-source projects still actively maintained. And you can build it yourself in about 10 minutes with twinBASIC.
Presentations DevCon 2024: VBIDE Addin Creation with twinBASIC Links and resources from my talk today at Access DevCon Vienna 2024, Custom VBIDE Addin Creation with twinBASIC.
twinBASIC WinDevLib: A Better Way to Call Windows API Functions in twinBASIC Stop struggling to declare your Windows API calls in twinBASIC. Use the Windows Development Library twinPACK and let fafalone do all the hard work for you.
COM How VBA IDE Addins Get Loaded From the Windows Registry A deep dive into how VBA IDE addins get loaded from the Windows Registry to help you avoid getting stuck in DLL hell.
twinBASIC Version Control with twinBASIC in 2024 Step-by-step instructions for integrating version control into your twinBASIC development operations in 2024.
Advanced Static Linking vs. Dynamic Linking You've likely heard the terms "dynamic link library", "DLL Hell", and "static linking." But what do they mean? Why should you care? And how do they apply to Access?
twinBASIC The twinBASIC Family Tree VB6 and twinBASIC are "twins". You know, just like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito are twins.
Presentations twinBASIC Update: DevCon 2023 Links and resources from my talk today at Access DevCon Vienna 2023, twinBASIC + Access: Future Plans.
twinBASIC HOW TO: Handle Excel Events in a twinBASIC COM Addin You can now use twinBASIC to create a COM add-in for Excel that handles Excel Application events like NewWorkbook and WorkbookOpen.
twinBASIC HOW TO: Install twinBASIC The latest step-by-step instructions for installing twinBASIC (aka, Visual Basic 8).
twinBASIC twinBASIC Weekly Updates The twinBASIC weekly updates now have their own dedicated tag on, making it easier to find the other twinBASIC articles.
twinBASIC HOW TO: Creating a Standard (non-ActiveX) DLL with twinBASIC With twinBASIC, you no longer need C++ to build a standard DLL. Call high-performance code from VBA without needing the Windows registry.
twinBASIC HOW TO: Creating an Office COM Add-in with twinBASIC Ever wish you could turn your VBA code into a COM add-in that would run in 32- AND 64-bit Office applications? It's easier than ever with twinBASIC.
Presentations twinBASIC Update - DevCon 2022 Links and resources from my talk today at Access DevCon Vienna 2022, twinBASIC: Happy First Birthday!
twinBASIC HOW TO: Create a Tool Window in the VBIDE with twinBASIC Move over Rubberduck VBA and MZ-Tools. The next great VBE addin is going to be built with twinBASIC. Here are step-by-step instructions to get you started.
twinBASIC HOW TO: Create a Custom ActiveX Control with twinBASIC Did you ever wish you could build a custom control for Microsoft Access forms and reports? With twinBASIC, that's a 15-minute project.
Commentary Microsoft and VBA: A Love(less) Story Whatever happened to the passion Microsoft once had for VBA? From love story to marriage of convenience, this article is one weird ride.
twinBASIC How to Use Version Control with twinBASIC You can now extract the embedded text files from .twinproj containers for use in version control. I wrote a batch file to make the process even easier.
twinBASIC twinBASIC: Setting Cmd Line Args in Debug Mode The VB6 Command$() function returns command line arguments in twinBASIC. But, for now, we still need a workaround to set cmd line args while debugging.
twinBASIC Pseudo-Command Line Args in twinBASIC I couldn't figure out how to pass command line arguments to a twinBASIC console application. So I improvised a solution.
twinBASIC DevCon 2021 Links and resources from my talk today at Access DevCon Vienna 2021, twinBASIC: The New Kid on the Block.
twinBASIC Multithreading in twinBASIC We may not have the syntax to write multi-threaded code yet, but that can't stop us from creating multiple threads in the twinBASIC Debug Console.
twinBASIC twinBASIC Runtime Requirements The title's a little misleading. SPOILER ALERT! There are no runtime requirements for twinBASIC.
twinBASIC Generic Objects in twinBASIC twinBASIC supports generic objects! Let's dig into the details with a practical example.