Commentary Is Microsoft Access a Good Development Platform in 2022? Microsoft has embraced the mantra of "move fast and break things." For Access, though, Microsoft is only delivering on the latter part of that promise.
Commentary Code is WORM: Act Accordingly Write Once. Read Many. The cost of avoiding shortcuts when writing code is far exceeded by the benefits you'll get when reading it.
Whiteboard Sessions The Knowledge Square For knowledge workers in the 21st century, it's better to know what question to ask than it is to know the answer to the question.
Advanced The Microsoft Access Ternary Operator It's a function. It's a statement. It's an operator. It's a--what the heck do we call this short-circuit-evaluating IIf() thing and why does it even matter?
Commentary The State of Access Today What's the state of Microsoft Access in 2021: thriving, alive, dying, or dead? If you only know Access by reputation, the answer may surprise you.
Commentary The Key to Navigating Unfamiliar Territory Without a Map How I successfully led a 60-vehicle military convoy at 23 years old without knowing what I was doing or where I was going.
Risk Management Cowpathing with Microsoft Access How do you decide where to spend your software development dollars? Don't guess what your users need, let them show you with Access.
Commentary 3 Benefits of Writing Code Backwards Ignore those compile errors and start writing your calling code before your routines. This approach has many benefits.
Commentary Access Dataverse Connector Did you ever think to yourself, "I wish there was a way to make my back-end data less flexible *and* less powerful?" Good news; your wait is over!
Commentary Let's Make Access More Version-Control Friendly Hey! Wouldn't it be great if Access was version-control friendly out of the box? If you agree, head over to the Access feedback portal and vote for my request.
Commentary How to Request New Features for Microsoft Access After a long and conspicuous absence, Microsoft has finally published a new website where you can submit and vote on feature requests.
Commentary 5 Types of Documentation Each type of documentation has unique strengths and weaknesses. Knowing when and how to use each is an important skill for every developer.
Commentary Eliminating Friction The key to becoming a better developer is to make it so The Right Way is also The Easy Way.
Conventions Naming Conventions Matter: Making Wrong Code Look Wrong Joel Spolsky and Antonin Scalia join forces to help illustrate the importance of sensible code naming conventions.
UX Simple vs. Easy It's not easy to build simple software. These 4 simple tips will make the process easier.
Commentary The Software Reliability Paradox The most reliable software holds the potential to cause the greatest harm. Examples abound, from my own $86K mistake to a devastating Russian hack.
Commentary Access vs. Enterprise Software: A False Choice Beware of strawman arguments against Microsoft Access.
Commentary Evolution of a Business Application Before you commission that custom web application project, it pays to validate that the business process even warrants such a significant investment.
Commentary Microsoft and VBA: A Love(less) Story Whatever happened to the passion Microsoft once had for VBA? From love story to marriage of convenience, this article is one weird ride.
Commentary Don't Write Clever Code There are two problems with clever code. 1) The next person might not know what you were doing. 2) They might not know if *you* knew what you were doing.
Commentary Microsoft Access's Multiple Personality Disorder The dual nature of Access–and the ignorance of this reality–is a major source of the shade that "real programmers" throw its way.
Commentary The Two Keys to Building Great Access Applications The best Access applications prioritize data discovery and efficiency.
Commentary Join Me at Access DevCon 2021 I will be presenting the about-to-be-released TwinBasic project from vbWatchdog developer, Wayne Phillips. Join me on April 22-23.
Commentary Some Bugs are Better than Others Not all bugs are created equal. Avoid the expensive ones by making more of the ones that are easy to find and fix.
Commentary Reducing Lost Code Recovery Time How do you reduce your recovery time when you've lost a bunch of code you just wrote? To misquote Bart Simpson, "Version control, my man."