WizHook Wiz(): Never Forget to Set the WizHook Magic Key This convenience function handles setting the WizHook Key property with the required magic value once per session.
Hidden Features WizHook: A Hidden Access Object With Intriguing Potential Font-aware AutoFit of text and combo boxes, auto-bracketing of illegal field names, sorting an array of strings...the possibilities are finite!
Commentary Follow-Up: Avoiding Context Switching It doesn't matter which context you are working in–VBA or queries–the key is to pick one and stick with it.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: October 23, 2022 Highlights include many IDE improvements, better support for high-performance code, and a sample Task Dialog project from fafalone.
Week in Review Week in Review: October 22, 2022 Highlights include a reserved word checker utility, executing PowerShell cmdlets from VBA, using Access in an Azure VM, and 5 types of control tips.
TempVars GenerateTVClass(): Auto-Create a TempVars Class Module The culmination of my TempVars series, this article shows you how to generate a TempVars class module from a local table.
Under 100 What is Database Normalization? The concept of database normalization explained in under 100 words. #Under100
Leadership Leadership Principles If you live by these six principles, it is impossible to fail as a leader.
Code Library Create a Class Module from a String in Microsoft Access Generate VBA class modules from strings during design time using this simple function in Microsoft Access.
Code Library Writing Boilerplate Code by Hand is for Suckers Writing repetitive code may be a necessary evil in VBA, but it's a lot less tedious if you generate most of it in VBA itself.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: October 16, 2022 Highlights include two new ways to open the twinBASIC IDE (via .twinproj files and Windows shortcuts), better performance for IDE panels, and more GUI progress.
Week in Review Week in Review: October 15, 2022 Highlights include changes to the Access team's development priorities, adding spell check to Access, and generating Excel charts via automation from Access.
Simple vs. Easy VBA: A Simple Programming Language VBA is a simple programming language. But is that really such a bad thing?
Bug Alert BUG ALERT: FortiClient VPN and Windows Update KB5018410 A recent Windows Update broke my FortiClient VPN. Learn which update was responsible, how to uninstall it, *and* how to keep it from coming back.
Commentary The Problems with Boilerplate Code Copy. Paste. Modify. Repeat. Writing and maintaining boilerplate code is a necessary evil in VBA.
Code Library WriteTempFile(): A Simple VBA Function to Save Text to a New Temporary File If you need to save a string to a temporary file in VBA, this simple function will do the trick.
Bug Alert Bug Alert Follow-Up: CurrentDb and DAO.OpenDatabase A member of the Microsoft Access engineering team provides an official explanation for the "buggy" CurrentDb and DAO.OpenDatabase behavior.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: October 9, 2022 Highlights include support for control and menu arrays, a Type Library Viewer (Object Browser equivalent), and a video interview with twinBASIC creator Wayne Phillips.
Week in Review Week in Review: October 8, 2022 Highlights include using Base64 encoding to embed images in Thunderbird, seven(!) IslaDogs articles, and episode 4 of Karl Donaubauer's Access NewsCast.
Announcement Access NewsCast with Karl Donaubauer: Episode 4 Catch up on the latest news and updates from the Access world in episode 4 of Karl's webcast, with guests Colin Riddington, Wayne Phillips, and, of course, Viktoria.
Bug Alert BUG ALERT: CurrentDb and DAO.OpenDatabase If you are getting intermittent error messages saying you don't have exclusive access to your database, then this workaround may help.
Code Library SetPredeclaredId(): Change the Hidden PredeclaredId Attribute of a VBA Class Module This simple function overcomes the lack of a hidden attribute editor for PredeclaredId values in the VBA development environment.
VBA 3 Ways to Generate Temporary File Names in VBA Here are three options for generating temporary file names in VBA. Which is best? As with many programming questions, the answer is, "It depends."
Code Library A GUID-Based Temporary File Name Generator If you need a reliable and fast way to create lots of temporary file paths, a GUID-based filename generator has some compelling benefits.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: October 2, 2022 Highlights include a pile of new form and control properties, a form menu designer, visual tab stop indicators in design view, and a new twinBASIC LinkedIn group.