Week in Review Week in Review: November 19, 2022 Highlights include multiple ways to hide sensitive data, a CDO email tester, an improved SQL editor, and updates from the Access dev team.
Professional Development Learning From Other Coding Styles Will learning multiple coding styles make you a better programmer? And, does it make sense to import those coding styles into your primary language?
Professional Development Learning From Other Languages Even if you only write code professionally in a single language, learning the concepts and idioms of other languages will make you a better programmer.
Forms The Reason MS Access Forms and Reports are Limited to 22 Inches With today's large monitors, many Access developers have bumped into the 22" maximum form width. But do you know why it's not 21" or 23"?
Hidden Features Select Entire Module in VBA With Control + Click Learn 4 different ways to select the entire contents of a VBA module, plus a bonus keyboard shortcut tip for switching between two active code modules.
Hidden Features Select Entire Sub or Function in VBA with a Double-Click Yet another hidden feature of the VBA editor that eluded me for more than fifteen years.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: November 13, 2022 Highlights include drag and drop support, an innovative IDE feature known as "Type Hints", and a proof-of-concept twinBASIC multithreading project.
Week in Review Week in Review: November 12, 2022 Highlights include two new Access User Group recordings, a WizHook sample database and reference, and a couple of videos on macro blocking.
Best Of My Top 10 Allen Browne Posts If you're a Microsoft Access developer and you've never heard of Allen Browne, then you are in for a treat...
VBA Dollar Signs at the End of VBA Functions What's the difference between Left() and Left$()? Why would you use one or the other? And what do *I* do, personally?
Intermediate Karl's Catalog: A Checklist of Access Best Practices Karl Donaubauer's checklist of Microsoft Access best practices offers a wealth of information to beginners and professional developers alike.
Leadership Leadership Principle: You Can Delegate Authority But Not Responsibility It's not easy to earn the trust of a "subordinate" who's almost twice your age. It's even harder to do it in a single day.
WizHook Microsoft Access WizHook References A list of all the best resources for the hidden and undocumented Microsoft Access WizHook object.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: November 6, 2022 Highlights include native CoClass support and a TWINPACK package from fafalone with definitions for all the standard common controls.
Week in Review Week in Review: November 5, 2022 Highlights include a new Access MVP (congrats Juanjo Luna!), a deep dive into the FileSystemObject, and using UIAutomation to interact with the ribbon.
Reports Using Temp Tables as Report Record Sources If you're having trouble building a query to run a complex report, you may be better off populating a temp table and using that as your report's record source.
WizHook Sorting Arrays of Strings in Access with WizHook No need to write your own array-sorting code from scratch. Use the SortStringArray method of Access's hidden WizHook object instead!
Tools Checking Version Compatibility with NetOffice Take advantage of the open-source NetOffice project on GitHub to look up version compatibility for the Access/Office/Word/Excel object models.
Under 100 What is rowversion in SQL Server? The concept of SQL Server's rowversion data type explained in under 100 words. #Under100
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: October 30, 2022 Highlights include better PNG handling, improvements to the custom menu builder, and support for a NumbersOnly textbox property.
Week in Review Week in Review: October 29, 2022 Highlights include a data macros how-to, time zone-aware dates, automating the Access nav pane, and collapsing/expanding the ribbon.
Announcement Prepare for the Upcoming Death of IE11 The grim reaper takes IE11 for good on February 14, 2023. Prepare for the inevitable now to avoid unnecessary Valentine's Day pain.
WizHook WizMsg(): A Simple Way to Create a MsgBox with Bold Text Bold text in a Microsoft Access message box? It's true. And it requires no API calls, no third-party libraries, and no arcane string syntax. Check out WizMsgBox!
WizHook Wiz(): Never Forget to Set the WizHook Magic Key This convenience function handles setting the WizHook Key property with the required magic value once per session.