Business Challenges in Estimating Software Development: Complicated vs. Complex Processes In software development, some processes are easier to estimate than others. Whether the process is complex or complicated has a profound impact on estimate reliability.
Code That Fits in Your Head Command Query Separation: A Technique for Reducing Code Complexity One helpful way to reduce the complexity of your code is to be intentional about how and where your code produces side effects.
Business The Secret to a Profitable Career as an Access Consultant It may not be flashy, but it is effective.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: September 10, 2023 Highlights include a global search IDE addin sample, addin extensibility access to the filesystem, and a discussion about inheritance in twinBASIC.
Week in Review Week in Review: September 9, 2023 Highlights include a new beta release of the Access version control addin, trends in the Access job market, and API calls to get a list of open programs.
AdventureWorks The AdventureWorks SQL Server Sample Database Step-by-step instructions for installing the AdventureWorks SQL Server sample database.
VBA The vbNullString Constant in VBA What is the vbNullString constant in VBA and how does it differ from a simple empty string ("")?
Tools Setting Up a New MS Access Development Environment Five settings and two addins that vastly improve your quality of life as a Microsoft Access developer.
Combo Boxes ComboBox NotInList Event: Revisited We improve our NotInList event code with a workaround for the "text you entered isn't an item in the list" error message via the little-known Form Error event handler.
Error Handling The Form Error Event: How to Handle "Untrappable" Access Errors The Form Error event comes to the rescue for a category of errors impervious to `On Error Resume Next` and `DoCmd.SetWarnings False`.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: September 3, 2023 Highlights include two new twinBASIC IDE Addin samples, a Property Sheet demo project from fafalone, and a brief discussion of DPI scaling.
Week in Review Week in Review: September 2, 2023 Highlights include a video series on Colin Riddington's Access Analyzer Pro tool, plus introductory videos on Eval, Data Macros, and the Form Detail On Paint event.
Code Library Pause Code Until a Form is Closed or Hidden (without acDialog) Pausing code execution until a form is closed OR hidden can be a handy feature. This function delivers that without the other constraints of acDialog.
Combo Boxes Using the NotInList Event in Microsoft Access to Dynamically Update Combo Boxes The Microsoft Access combo box's NotInList event lets you provide "just-in-time" features for building a simple and intuitive user experience.
Code Library How to Pause Code Execution Until a Form or Report is Closed (Without Using acDialog) Do you need to pause your code until the user closes a form or report but are running into problems using acDialog? This simple function is your answer.
VBA Working with Empty in VBA A deep dive into the Empty keyword in VBA: why it exists, how to check for it, when it makes sense to check for it, and--most importantly--how NOT to check for it.
Tools How to Be Signed In To Multiple Organizations in the MS Teams Desktop App Simultaneously This trick allows you to run multiple instances of the Microsoft Teams desktop app with each instance signed in to a different organization.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: August 27, 2023 Highlights include multiple improvements to the debug console, including performance improvements that affect the entire IDE.
Week in Review Week in Review: August 26, 2023 Highlights include tips to automate the new browser control, sending WhatsApp messages from Access, Python in Excel, and AI-driven help via Microsoft Q&A Assist.
Hidden Features Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar in Microsoft Access Get back some of that pre-2007 Office toolbar goodness with the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). Vote for your favorite QAT commands.
Prompt School A Simple Trick to Help ChatGPT Provide Correct Answers How you ask ChatGPT to provide a solution can have a profound impact on the correctness of the solution it provides.
Announcement Python in Excel Microsoft just announced a built-in Python worksheet function for Excel. When can we expect similar love for Access?
twinBASIC The twinBASIC Family Tree VB6 and twinBASIC are "twins". You know, just like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito are twins.
Commentary Wrapper vs. Port vs. Rewrite Wrappers, ports, and rewrites are three techniques for incorporating non-native code into our applications. Let's explore the pros and cons of each approach.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: August 20, 2023 Highlights include support for embedding Monaco editors and Chart.js in IDE tool windows, plus the tB port of a C++ 3D image rendering sample project.