Week in Review Week in Review: February 10, 2024 Highlights include the v4 release of the Access Version Control add-in, practical RegEx examples, and the top 10 advanced features of MZ-Tools.
Code Complete Pseudocode Programming: Think First, Code Second Writing pseudocode before coding forces critical thinking, iterates on the best approaches, and enables programmers to implement complex logic flawlessly.
Prompt School Get Max Row by Group with ChatGPT This ChatGPT prompt lets you easily implement Bill Karwin's clever LEFT JOIN solution to a common data selection problem in SQL.
Announcement Major Release of the Microsoft Access Version Control Add-in Version 4.x of Adam Waller's msaccess-vcs-addin has been officially released today, featuring a ribbon toolbar, SQL formatting, and basic SQL Server schema support.
Quick Tip Clearing the Windows 10 "White Bar of Doom" A quick fix for the "White Bar of Doom" that occasionally appears on maximized windows in Windows 10. No reboot required!
Debugging Rubberducking This one-step process is a surprisingly effective way to troubleshoot the most complex programming problems.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: February 4, 2024 Highlights include two newly commissioned features (BigNumber support and a web page IDE panel) and a tB IDE comment/uncomment add-in.
Week in Review Week in Review: February 3, 2024 Highlights include the demystification of MS 365 Update Channels, a Rubberduck v3 status update, and adding speech recognition to Access.
Quick Tip HOW TO: Access the Windows Startup Folder In previous versions of Windows, the Startup folder was easy to find from the Start Menu. This quick tip makes the Startup folder easy to find again.
Version Control Mercurial: The Road Less Traveled Unfortunately, choosing the less popular version control system has some important real-world drawbacks.
Access 101 Access 101: DELETE Query The DELETE query: a tool for removing records in bulk that is almost too dangerous to use.
Advanced Static Linking vs. Dynamic Linking You've likely heard the terms "dynamic link library", "DLL Hell", and "static linking." But what do they mean? Why should you care? And how do they apply to Access?
Form Design Deep Dive: Improving the Access User Experience with Attached Labels In this comprehensive article, we explore attached labels in extensive depth: what they are, why you want them, and how to work with them in both the UI and VBA.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: January 28, 2024 Highlights include ... ah, never mind. The new twinBASIC IDE is here!!!! Plus: static linking, experimental type inference, 20-30% reductions in exe sizes, and more!
Week in Review Week in Review: January 27, 2024 Highlights include an intro to star schemas, highlighting controls and columns in continuous forms, and auto-resizing subforms to fill available space.
Intermediate Set the Access Application Title Bar to the Full Path of the File at Startup Today's tip helps you keep track of which Access file is which when you have several similar Access files open at the same time.
Prompt School Using AI to Explain Unfamiliar Command Lines from the Internet Let's use ChatGPT to explain how complex command lines work.
Bug Alert Roll Back to Previous Version of Office When on Microsoft 365 Current Channel (Preview) Rolling back to previous versions of Microsoft 365 (nee Office 365) is hard enough in the best-case scenario. Troubleshooting problems is a nightmare.
Version Control Git vs. Mercurial in 2024 This classic article from fifteen years ago contains one of the most impressively specific (and accurate) technology predictions I've ever read.
Quick Tip QuickTip: Navigation Captions Even after 17 years of developing in Microsoft Access, I'm still learning about features that have been there the whole time...
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: January 21, 2024 Highlights include a minor delay of the long-awaited twinBASIC IDE update, a new twinBASIC FAQ page, and several new and updated tB projects from fafalone.
Week in Review Week in Review: January 20, 2024 Highlights include creating Windows taskbar notifications with VBA, FMS Access tools demo, and conditionally hiding buttons on continuous forms.
Defensive Programming Bug Alert: Accidental Double-Clicking of Long-Running Processes This is not a bug in Access itself, but rather a common pattern that leads to occasional logic errors that can be nearly impossible to reproduce (and debug).
Announcement Access Day 2024 Come join the Microsoft Access team, several Access MVPs (including me), and other fellow Access developers in Redmond, WA, on March 15, 2024.
Code Library GetCtlAtMouse(): A Reliable Way to Return the Current Control Object Under the Mouse Cursor in Access In this follow-up to my earlier article on the undocumented AccHitTest() method, we improve how we handle errors when the mouse is over an empty area of the form.