clsImExSpecs Presentation to the Access Europe User Group
A list of resources and further reading for my presentation on my custom Import/Export Specifications class module.

Slide Deck
Sample Files
The following files were used during the presentation:
Note that the sample database above was created live during the presentation. It includes the full clsImExSpecs class module, the minimal ErrorMod error-handling module, and a Sale table that represents the imported Sale.xml data from above.
Presentation Recording
The presentation recording is available on YouTube on the Access User Groups YouTube Channel.
Further Reading

Referenced Links
Here are some links to articles that came up during the presentation or were included in the chat:

Past Presentations
If you enjoyed this presentation, you may want to check out some of my past presentations. Each of these has accompanying videos of the presentation available on YouTube (links to YouTube included in articles below):

UPDATE [2024-02-02]: Added link to presentation recording on YouTube.