List Fields ListFields() Part 1: Listing Table Fields in the Immediate Window An easy way to reduce context switching between the VBA IDE and the Access application window is to list table field names in the immediate window.
Commentary How to Know When to Turn Lines of Code Into a Standalone Routine in VBA DRY vs. YAGNI. Don't Repeat Yourself or You Ain't Gonna Need It? Sometimes it's not obvious whether a block of code would be useful as a standalone routine.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: December 4, 2022 Highlights include initial support for importing VB6 forms with ActiveX controls, GoSub syntax support, and context-sensitive custom help support.
Week in Review Week in Review: December 3, 2022 Highlights include the WizHook TwipsFromFont function, an enhanced message box, and drawing dynamic meters on Access reports.
Memory Management Monitoring Memory Usage in a 64-bit Access Application According to the Windows API, my 64-bit Access application uses more than 2 TB (that's *terra*-bytes) of memory. Something tells me that's not right...
Memory Management Virtual Machine Memory: An Explainer for Access Developers Virtual machines present an interesting twist when it comes to memory management issues in Microsoft Access.
Fluent API When to Build Fluent APIs Fluent programming interfaces can be your best friend or your worst enemy. So how do you know when they are appropriate to use?
Fluent API Diving Deeper into the World of Fluent APIs: An Unusual Way of Constructing Class Modules Martin Fowler first coined the term fluent interfaces back in 2005. What are they, what do you need to know about them, and what do they look like in VBA?
Recap Access Dev Team Progress Update: Dataverse Export Improvements The Access team provides an update on impending improvements to the Dataverse export feature.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: November 27, 2022 Highlights include support for graphical buttons, OLE drag and drop, and some exciting news about the upcoming release of Rubberduck VBA 3.0.
Week in Review Week in Review: November 26, 2022 Highlights include a sneak preview of Rubberduck 3.0, multiple articles on Access keyboard shortcuts, and aligning text with monospaced fonts.
Recap Access Dev Team Progress Update: VBA Macro Code Signing The Access team offers a sneak peek at the new and improved VBA code signing experience. The feature is in public beta, and Microsoft is looking for testers.
Hidden Features Access End-User Shortcuts Shortcut keys to toggle the dropdown state of a combo box, copy field values from the previous record, enter the current date and time, and more.
Memory Management Virtual vs. Physical Memory in the Context of Microsoft Access Are you noticing more "System Resource Exceeded" and "Out of Memory" errors in newer versions of 32-bit Access? It's not your imagination. Here's what's going on.
Backwards Compatibility Adding Procedure Parameters Without Breaking Backwards Compatibility in VBA Sometimes you need to add a parameter to a Function or Sub in VBA. But you don't need to break all of your calling code to do it.
Recap Access Dev Team Progress Update: New Web Browser Control The Access team offers a sneak peek at the upcoming Edge-based browser control. Highlights include an estimated release date and future migration challenges.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: November 20, 2022 Highlights include several bug fixes, a new method to clear the debug console, and a discussion about the difference between Drag and OLEDrag methods.
Week in Review Week in Review: November 19, 2022 Highlights include multiple ways to hide sensitive data, a CDO email tester, an improved SQL editor, and updates from the Access dev team.
Professional Development Learning From Other Coding Styles Will learning multiple coding styles make you a better programmer? And, does it make sense to import those coding styles into your primary language?
Professional Development Learning From Other Languages Even if you only write code professionally in a single language, learning the concepts and idioms of other languages will make you a better programmer.
Forms The Reason MS Access Forms and Reports are Limited to 22 Inches With today's large monitors, many Access developers have bumped into the 22" maximum form width. But do you know why it's not 21" or 23"?
Hidden Features Select Entire Module in VBA With Control + Click Learn 4 different ways to select the entire contents of a VBA module, plus a bonus keyboard shortcut tip for switching between two active code modules.
Hidden Features Select Entire Sub or Function in VBA with a Double-Click Yet another hidden feature of the VBA editor that eluded me for more than fifteen years.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: November 13, 2022 Highlights include drag and drop support, an innovative IDE feature known as "Type Hints", and a proof-of-concept twinBASIC multithreading project.
Week in Review Week in Review: November 12, 2022 Highlights include two new Access User Group recordings, a WizHook sample database and reference, and a couple of videos on macro blocking.