Week in Review: August 20, 2022

Highlights include Colin Riddington's Nav Pane Helper, Richard Rost's Access Developer Interview Questions, and Rick Hanson's Used Book Business Access App.

Week in Review: August 20, 2022

This section includes videos, articles, and interesting discussions from the past 7 days.

NOTE: This is the first Week-in-Review since I began on May 7, 2022, without an article by Daniel Pineault.  His contributions to the Access community will be sorely missed.  Here's to hoping that this is a hiatus and not a permanent departure.


OK, I'm not ready to say goodbye just yet.  I'm taking the liberty of writing a title for one of Daniel's comments on his recent post and linking to it below as though it were its own mini-article.  I'm keeping Daniel's streak alive for at least one more week...

This section includes content I discovered this week that has been around for awhile.

NOTE: Only English-language user group meetings with scheduled guest speakers or topics are listed.  For a complete list of upcoming events, visit the Access User Group event calendar.

There were NO CHANGES to the roadmap between last week (2022-08-13) and this week (2022-08-20).

Listed below is a snapshot of the official Access Roadmap.  

"In Development", "Rolling Out", and "Launched" are Microsoft terms that I pulled straight from the public roadmap.  

"Development Priorities" do not appear on the Access Roadmap.  Instead, they get updated from time to time in official Access blog posts.  I'll include a link to the official Access blog post that lists the current development priorities as they get updated.

The items listed below reflect Microsoft's order of priority and were published in the following article, Changes to Our Public Roadmap and How We Communicate Access Feature Priorities.

  1. Inconsistent Database Error Fix
  2. New (Modern) Web Browser Control (to support Chromium Edge)
  3. Enabling Large Address Aware (LAA) for 32-Bit Access
  4. SQL Monaco Editor
  5. New Microsoft Graph Data Connector



  • MAY 2022: Access Dataverse Connector
  • JAN 2021: Access: ODBC Interface Support (without ACE Redistributable Engine)
  • JAN 2021: Access: DAO Interface Support (without ACE Redistributable Engine)

All original code samples by Mike Wolfe are licensed under CC BY 4.0