twinBASIC DevCon 2021 Links and resources from my talk today at Access DevCon Vienna 2021, twinBASIC: The New Kid on the Block.
Professional Development Access DevCon 2021: Day 1 If you weren't able to make it to virtual Access DevCon Vienna 2021, here's what you missed on Day 1.
twinBASIC Multithreading in twinBASIC We may not have the syntax to write multi-threaded code yet, but that can't stop us from creating multiple threads in the twinBASIC Debug Console.
Tools Enable Live Transcription in MS Teams Meetings Is the "Start transcription" option missing from your Teams menu? Is the "Join" button missing from your calendar entry? Maybe I can help (but probably not).
twinBASIC twinBASIC Runtime Requirements The title's a little misleading. SPOILER ALERT! There are no runtime requirements for twinBASIC.
twinBASIC Generic Objects in twinBASIC twinBASIC supports generic objects! Let's dig into the details with a practical example.
twinBASIC Preview Limitations in twinBASIC CAUTION! twinBASIC is a work-in-progress. To avoid frustration, learn what's not working *before* you start playing with it.
twinBASIC twinBASIC's 100% Compatibility Goal The difference between 100% compatible and 99% compatible is way more than 1%.
Intermediate Access Web Browser Control Documentation is scarce for the legacy Access Web Browser Control. And that makes Daniel Pineault's page a goldmine of information.
twinBASIC New Syntax in twinBASIC: Part 3 There's even more new syntax in twinBASIC, including the IsNot operator, initializing on declare, and augmented assignment operators.
twinBASIC Docstrings in twinBASIC twinBASIC takes a page out of the RubberduckVBA book, using code comment "annotations" to generate real-time, IntelliSense-integrated documentation.
twinBASIC New Syntax in twinBASIC: Part 2 Let's cover some more new syntax in twinBASIC, including parameterized class constructors, method overloading, and return syntax for functions.
twinBASIC New Syntax in twinBASIC: Part 1 Let's cover some new syntax in twinBASIC, including "AndAlso/OrElse"; the ternary If() operator; and "Continue For" and its cousins.
twinBASIC Debugging Code in twinBASIC Experienced developers know that they spend more time debugging code than writing it. Luckily, twinBASIC has some capable debugging tools.
twinBASIC Writing Code in TwinBasic: Part 2 Let's explore three more features of the code writing experience in TwinBasic: Code folding, Inline parameter hints, and Outline view.
twinBASIC Writing Code in TwinBasic: Part 1 Let's explore three features of the code writing experience in TwinBasic: IntelliSense, Go to definition, and Semantic Highlighting.
twinBASIC The TwinBasic IDE: VS Code Many a fledgling programming language has died an early, quiet death at the hands of poor tooling. TwinBasic looks to avoid that fate with robust VS Code support.
Business Site Search for NoLongerSet! It was long past time I added sitewide search to this Ghost-powered blog. I could have used Solr, ElasticSearch, or Google. I chose something else...
Holiday Happy Easter “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here."
Advanced The Tradeoffs of ByRef and ByVal As they say, there is no free lunch. Passing by value or by reference is the sort of distinction you can mostly ignore...until one day you can't.
Basic Looping Through a List of Items Here's a quick and dirty way to loop through a list of items in VBA.
Bug Alert MS Access Report Horizontal Scroll Bar Bug When certain reports open, the horizontal scroll bar gets drawn on the screen and then gets stuck in its original draw location.
Tools KnowledgeBase Mausoleum Looking for that long-lost KnowledgeBase article from 2003 but only finding a 404 error? This website brings dead KB articles back to life.
Tools Rainbow CSV If you work with delimited text files of any kind, you need to be using this VS Code extension.