Reports HELP! My Access Report is Missing Information When my Users Run It Your Access report runs fine on your computer, but it's broken when an end user runs it. What gives?
Business The Value Matrix: A Framework for Prioritizing Development Software developers are content writing great applications, but consultants understand the importance of delivering big business impact.
Form Design The Hard Truth About Message Boxes in Microsoft Access Just because you know it's true, that doesn't make it any less frustrating.
DevCon Northwind 2.0: The Access Database Template You've Been Waiting For It only took 30 years, but Microsoft Access finally has a set of templates showcasing the best of what Access and its community of experts have to offer.
Video VIDEO: twinBASIC Update at DevCon Vienna 2023 Learn about what the future of twinBASIC and Microsoft Access might look like from my Access DevCon Vienna 2023 presentation.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: May 7, 2023 Highlights include a new Access library from Ben Clothier built with twinBASIC, a project status update from Wayne, and a couple of tB mentions in Reddit.
Week in Review Week in Review: May 6, 2023 Highlights include automating DSN-less links to SQL Server, a deep dive on the form delete events, and the full release of the new Edge-based browser control.
Announcement Edge-Based Browser Control Officially Released It's officially here. The new Edge-based web browser control for Microsoft Access is now Generally Available for Microsoft 365 versions 2304 and later.
AI How to Use the CLEAR Framework to Get Better Results from ChatGPT Five concepts to help you improve your "prompt engineering" skills.
DevCon Documentation Update from Jeff Conrad Microsoft content manager Jeff Conrad provides a surprisingly interesting behind-the-scenes look at how Access documentation is created and managed.
DevCon Microsoft Access - Latest Innovations and the Road Ahead - Access DevCon 2023 The Microsoft Access team provides updates on Code Signing, Dataverse, In-App Messaging, the Edge Browser Control, and future development priorities.
DevCon Access DevCon Vienna 2023 - Day Two Recap A brief recap of the five sessions on Day 2 of Access DevCon Vienna, the premiere English-speaking Microsoft Access global conference.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: April 30, 2023 Highlights include twinBASIC's annual DevCon Vienna appearance and fafalone's ucExplorer control running in 64-bit MS Access.
Week in Review Week in Review: April 29, 2023 Highlights include the release of the Northwind 2.0 database templates, automatic form resizing, and a deep dive into VBA events with a.p.r. pillai.
DevCon Access DevCon Vienna 2023 - Day One Recap A brief recap of the six sessions on Day 1 of Access DevCon Vienna, the premiere annual English-speaking Microsoft Access global conference.
Presentations twinBASIC Update: DevCon 2023 Links and resources from my talk today at Access DevCon Vienna 2023, twinBASIC + Access: Future Plans.
Presentations Defensive Programming - DevCon 2023 Links and resources from my talk tomorrow at Access DevCon Vienna 2023, Some Bugs are Better than Others: Defensive Programming Tips and Tricks.
AI How ChatGPT Helped Me Write a Complex Stored Procedure in SQL Server Stop treating ChatGPT like an all-knowing oracle and start treating it like the hard-working, enthusiastic, but not-quite-fully-formed intern that it currently is.
Bug Types Why You Should Learn to Love Syntax Errors The immediate negative feedback loop that syntax errors provide is a powerful learning tool.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: April 23, 2023 Highlights include a status update from Wayne Phillips, extended discussion of twinBASIC on two web forums, and updates to fafalone's ucExplorer control.
Week in Review Week in Review: April 22, 2023 Highlights include episode 5 of Karl Donaubauer's Access News video update, how to sell Access services with Juan Soto, and lightweight MVVM in VBA.
Commentary AI is the Future...And the Future is Now Used properly, AI is the greatest force-multiplying technology the world has ever seen.
Code Library TryGetForm: Set a Strongly-Typed Form Object in Access VBA The TryGetForm function helps you convert "stringly-typed" code into "strongly-typed" code when working with Access forms in VBA.
Defensive Programming Five Ways to Turn Runtime Errors into Compile Errors in VBA Compile errors are cheaper and easier to fix than runtime errors. Here are five ways to turn potential runtime errors into compile errors.
Basic Why You Should Always Use Option Explicit in VBA Don't let typos and logic errors ruin your VBA code. Read our latest blog post to learn about the importance of Option Explicit and how to use it.