twinBASIC Preview Limitations in twinBASIC CAUTION! twinBASIC is a work-in-progress. To avoid frustration, learn what's not working *before* you start playing with it.
twinBASIC twinBASIC's 100% Compatibility Goal The difference between 100% compatible and 99% compatible is way more than 1%.
twinBASIC New Syntax in twinBASIC: Part 3 There's even more new syntax in twinBASIC, including the IsNot operator, initializing on declare, and augmented assignment operators.
twinBASIC Docstrings in twinBASIC twinBASIC takes a page out of the RubberduckVBA book, using code comment "annotations" to generate real-time, IntelliSense-integrated documentation.
twinBASIC New Syntax in twinBASIC: Part 2 Let's cover some more new syntax in twinBASIC, including parameterized class constructors, method overloading, and return syntax for functions.
twinBASIC New Syntax in twinBASIC: Part 1 Let's cover some new syntax in twinBASIC, including "AndAlso/OrElse"; the ternary If() operator; and "Continue For" and its cousins.
twinBASIC Debugging Code in twinBASIC Experienced developers know that they spend more time debugging code than writing it. Luckily, twinBASIC has some capable debugging tools.
twinBASIC Writing Code in TwinBasic: Part 2 Let's explore three more features of the code writing experience in TwinBasic: Code folding, Inline parameter hints, and Outline view.
twinBASIC Writing Code in TwinBasic: Part 1 Let's explore three features of the code writing experience in TwinBasic: IntelliSense, Go to definition, and Semantic Highlighting.
twinBASIC The TwinBasic IDE: VS Code Many a fledgling programming language has died an early, quiet death at the hands of poor tooling. TwinBasic looks to avoid that fate with robust VS Code support.
Tools 21st Century Visual Basic Microsoft stopped supporting VB6 in 2008. Here are some modern options for migrating those old apps or developing new ones in 2020 and beyond.