twinBASIC Update: DevCon 2023

Slide Deck


Presentation Recording

Thank you to Karl Donaubauer for making a recording of the presentation available on YouTube:

Installing the twinBASIC IDE

HOW TO: Install twinBASIC
The latest step-by-step instructions for installing twinBASIC (aka, Visual Basic 8).

Getting Involved with twinBASIC

twinBASIC Welcome
The official twinBASIC website.
twinBASIC 12-MONTH ROADMAP · Issue #335 · WaynePhillipsEA/twinbasic
twinBASIC ROADMAP Dates given are tentative and subject to change. Only the major issues are listed here. Smaller feature requests will be implemented when most appropriate (usually when we are alr...
twinBASIC 12-month development roadmap (updated 2023-01-29).

twinBASIC Debut Video at DevCon 2021

If you had never heard of twinBASIC prior to today's presentation, the video below will provide some much-needed context.  It does a good job of covering the new language features introduced with twinBASIC.  

Keep in mind, this presentation took place about a week after the very first alpha release of the twinBASIC language.  Let's just say, the project has progressed more than just a bit since then.

The video is available on YouTube:

twinBASIC First Birthday Video at DevCon 2022

Karl invited me back last year to provide an update on twinBASIC after its first full year of development.  The video includes multiple live demos of real world use cases for integrating twinBASIC into Microsoft Access and the VBA development environment.

The video is available on YouTube:

HOW TO: Articles

HOW TO: Create a Tool Window in the VBIDE with twinBASIC
Move over Rubberduck VBA and MZ-Tools. The next great VBE addin is going to be built with twinBASIC. Here are step-by-step instructions to get you started.
HOW TO: Creating an Office COM Add-in with twinBASIC
Ever wish you could turn your VBA code into a COM add-in that would run in 32- AND 64-bit Office applications? It’s easier than ever with twinBASIC.
HOW TO: Handle Excel Events in a twinBASIC COM Addin
You can now use twinBASIC to create a COM add-in for Excel that handles Excel Application events like NewWorkbook and WorkbookOpen.
HOW TO: Create a Custom ActiveX Control with twinBASIC
Did you ever wish you could build a custom control for Microsoft Access forms and reports? With twinBASIC, that’s a 15-minute project.
HOW TO: Creating a Standard (non-ActiveX) DLL with twinBASIC
With twinBASIC, you no longer need C++ to build a standard DLL. Call high-performance code from VBA without needing the Windows registry.

Additional Reading

Generic Objects in twinBASIC
twinBASIC supports generic objects! Let’s dig into the details with a practical example.
New Syntax in twinBASIC: Part 1
Let’s cover some new syntax in twinBASIC, including “AndAlso/OrElse”; the ternary If() operator; and “Continue For” and its cousins.
New Syntax in twinBASIC: Part 2
Let’s cover some more new syntax in twinBASIC, including parameterized class constructors, method overloading, and return syntax for functions.
New Syntax in twinBASIC: Part 3
There’s even more new syntax in twinBASIC, including the IsNot operator, initializing on declare, and augmented assignment operators.

WAAAY More Additional Reading

The link below will take you to the "twinBASIC" tag page on my website, where you will find every twinBASIC article I've written, including more than 50 twinBASIC weekly update articles dating back to May 2, 2021.

twinBASIC - No Longer Set
twinBASIC is a modern version of the classic BASIC programming language, with the goal of providing 100% backward compatibility with existing VB6 and VBA projects.
Every twinBASIC article I've ever written (or will write in the future).
twinBASIC Weekly Update - No Longer Set
The twinBASIC Weekly Update is published every Sunday. I highlight notable changes to the project over the previous seven days, provide updates on twinBASIC discussions around the web, and include the project changelog. It’s a great way to follow along with the next revolution in BASIC programming…
I have written a weekly update on twinBASIC every Sunday since its debut at Access DevCon Vienna in 2021.

UPDATE [2023-05-02]: Added link to download slide deck.

UPDATE [2023-06-15]: Added link to presentation recording on YouTube.