clsApp: My Application-Wide MS Access Singleton Class Module
I use many class modules in my applications, but this is the one I cannot live without.

Every Microsoft Access application I write includes a class module named clsApp.
I've written several articles about the properties and methods that comprise this class:
As I write additional articles, I will update the list above and the code below accordingly.
There are two ways to use this class:
- Via a global object variable declared in a standard module:
Public App As New clsApp
- By naming the class
and setting its hidden PredeclaredID attribute to True
In my own code, I use the first method. However, that's mostly for backwards compatibility and consistency with my own codebase. I was not aware of the PredeclaredID approach when I first started using clsApp
. By the time I realized it was an option, I had no desire to change all my existing code (or use two different approaches across my codebase).
Additionally, the PredeclaredID approach looks a bit like magic to unsuspecting developers, since the attribute itself is completely hidden in the VBA IDE.
: raise custom errors with auto-generated deterministic error numbers
The Code
'--== clsApp class module ==--
Option Explicit
Option Compare Database
'RegisterTempFile() declarations:
Private m_collTempFiles As Collection
'Environment() declarations:
Public Enum env__Environment
End Enum
Private m_objDB As DAO.Database
Private m_sPgmName As String
'.Echo property declaration:
Private m_bEcho As Boolean
' Purpose : Register a temporary file for cleanup.
' Source :
' Notes - The full path to the file must be passed to avoid accidentally deleting the wrong thing.
' - These files are cleaned up when this class Terminates, usually at program exit.
' - Changing data sources will also force a cleanup, because clsApp gets re-instantiated.
Public Sub RegisterTempFile(fpTempFile As String, Optional IgnoreTempFolderCheck As Boolean = False)
'Validate the data
If Len(fpTempFile) = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim IsFullPath As Boolean
IsFullPath = (Left(fpTempFile, 2) = "\\") Or (Mid(fpTempFile, 2, 2) = ":\")
If Not IsFullPath Then Throw "Not a full path: {0}", fpTempFile
If IsDev() And Not IgnoreTempFolderCheck Then
'File should be in the temp folder
Dim IsInTempFolder As Boolean
Dim foTemp As String 'temp folder
foTemp = Environ("TEMP")
IsInTempFolder = fpTempFile Like foTemp & "*"
If Not IsInTempFolder Then Throw "Temporary files, like {0}, should be saved in the temporary folder: {1}", fpTempFile, foTemp
End If
If m_collTempFiles Is Nothing Then Set m_collTempFiles = New Collection
m_collTempFiles.Add fpTempFile
End Sub
' Purpose : Removes temporary files created by this program and registered via RegisterTempFile.
Private Function DeleteTempFiles()
On Error Resume Next
Dim fpTempFile As Variant
For Each fpTempFile In m_collTempFiles
'Extra safeguard to help prevent catastrophe
Dim HasWildcard As Boolean
HasWildcard = (InStr(fpTempFile, "*") > 0) Or _
(InStr(fpTempFile, "?") > 0)
If Not HasWildcard Then
SetAttr fpTempFile, vbNormal 'Remove read-only attribute if it is set
Kill fpTempFile
End If
Next fpTempFile
End Function
' Procedure : Environment
' Author : Mike Wolfe
' Source :
' Date : 6/27/2016
' Purpose : Returns the current environment within which the application is operating.
' Usage : If App.IsDev Then Debug.Assert LongRunningAssertionTest()
' Notes - Always returns env_Production unless another environment explicitly set
' - Settings are by user profile (and, thus, by machine)
' - On a dev machine, need to call App.Environment = env_Development to get IsDev to return True
' - Above call can be made from immediate window
' - Testing fixtures should set App.Environment = env_Test at setup and revert at teardown
' - Allows, for example, to replace objects with mocks in testing, such as a global logging object
' - Using the registry means:
' o we can force non-Prod environment on users' computers, if we need to
' o its less likely to return a false positive than if we used user names or computer names to detect
' o is quick and easy to set the environment for developers on any computer
' o only needs to be set once per app per profile, not at every startup
' o survives code resets when programming state is lost (as opposed to using global vars, etc.)
Public Property Get Environment() As env__Environment
Dim EnvAsString As String
EnvAsString = GetSetting(Me.PgmName, "App", "Environment", "Prod")
'Unless the user's registry is explicitly set to Dev or Test, assume Production
Select Case EnvAsString
Case "Dev": Environment = env_Development
Case "Test": Environment = env_Test
Case Else: Environment = env_Production
End Select
End Property
Public Property Let Environment(Value As env__Environment)
If Value = env_UNSET Then
DeleteSetting Me.PgmName, "App", "Environment"
SaveSetting Me.PgmName, "App", "Environment", EnvToString(Value)
End If
End Property
Private Function EnvToString(Env As env__Environment) As String
Select Case Env
Case env_Development: EnvToString = "Dev"
Case env_Production: EnvToString = "Prod"
Case env_Test: EnvToString = "Test"
End Select
End Function
Public Function IsDev() As Boolean
IsDev = (Me.Environment = env_Development)
End Function
Public Function IsTest() As Boolean
IsTest = (Me.Environment = env_Test)
End Function
Public Function IsProd() As Boolean
IsProd = (Me.Environment = env_Production)
End Function
Public Property Get db() As Database
Set db = m_objDB
End Property
Public Property Get PgmName() As String
PgmName = m_sPgmName
End Property
Public Property Let PgmName(Value As String)
m_sPgmName = Value
Prop("PgmName") = Value
End Property
'Source :
'Purpose: Retrieves a property value stored in the front-end database itself.
'Notes - If the property has not been set, the DefaultValue is returned instead
' - However, if no DefaultValue is set either, an error is raised (3270: Property not found)
' - There are certain property names with special meaning that should not be used for other purposes
' Reserved property names:
' - PgmName: the friendly name of the program; if not set, the front-end's filename without extension is used
' - hg_csv: comma delimited list of tables whose data should be exported by decompose.vbs
Public Property Get Prop(PropName As String, Optional DefaultValue As String = "") As String
If Len(DefaultValue) > 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
Prop = DefaultValue
End If
Prop = m_objDB.Properties(PropName)
End Property
Public Property Let Prop(PropName As String, Optional DefaultValue As String = "", ByVal sProp As String)
Dim P As DAO.Property
On Error Resume Next
m_objDB.Properties(PropName) = sProp
If Err.Number = 3270 Then 'Property does not exist
Set P = m_objDB.CreateProperty(PropName, dbText, sProp)
db.Properties.Append P
End If
End Property
'Source :
Public Property Get Echo() As Boolean
Echo = m_bEcho
End Property
Public Property Let Echo(ByVal bEcho As Boolean)
Application.Echo bEcho
m_bEcho = bEcho
End Property
'Source :
Public Property Get TitleBar() As String
TitleBar = Me.Prop("AppTitle", "Microsoft Access")
End Property
Public Property Let TitleBar(ByVal sTitleBar As String)
Me.Prop("AppTitle") = sTitleBar
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_objDB = CurrentDb
Application.Echo True
m_bEcho = True
Dim DefaultPgmName As String
DefaultPgmName = Application.CurrentProject.Name
DefaultPgmName = Left(DefaultPgmName, InStr(DefaultPgmName, ".") - 1)
m_sPgmName = Prop("PgmName", DefaultPgmName)
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set m_objDB = Nothing
'Remove temp files tracked via RegisterTempFile
If Not m_collTempFiles Is Nothing Then DeleteTempFiles
End Sub
Referenced articles

UPDATE [2022-07-12]: Added .TitleBar
property with link to associated article.