Access Job Interview Questions
Richard Rost--today's most prolific creator of Microsoft Access video tutorials--has put together a great baseline of questions and answers that test your Access knowledge.

Are you an Access developer preparing for a job interview? Do you run an Access development agency and are looking to hire new developers? Do you want a crash course of the most important topics in Microsoft Access development?
If you answered Yes to any of these questions, you need to take the time to watch the video below–"36 Interview Questions and Answers for Microsoft Access (Or Things They Might Ask on a Test in School)"–from former Access MVP and Access Learning Zone guru Richard Rost.
I'm someone who hires developers to write software with Access from time to time, but my solution to the problem of finding Access developers has been to hire software developers and teach them Access. Even if you're not in the business of hiring Access developers, though, Richard's Q&A represent a pretty good cross-section of Microsoft Access baseline knowledge.
And the best part? No gotcha questions. I hate those.
Behind the Scenes at Grandjean & Braverman...
I asked my two newest Access developers–both recent college graduates–to watch the video and ask me any followup questions. Actually, here is exactly what I asked of them:
Hey guys, make time to watch this video sometime this week:
You likely know most of the stuff in there by now, but let me know if you have any questions or notice any differences between how we do things and what Richard recommends.
I don't want to include any spoilers in this article, so I'll follow up next week with the questions generated from the video and my answers to them.
If you have your own questions about the video, post them in the comments below. If you post them before next week, I'll include them in my followup article.
UPDATE [2022-08-30]: The followup article is now live: Access Job Interview Questions: Follow-up Q&A.