Week in Review: May 28, 2022
Highlights include two new Access bugs, a modern On/Off toggle control, setting list box font colors by column, and resurrected videos from the Access forums vault.

Just Published
This section includes videos, articles, and interesting discussions from the past 7 days.
- Microsoft Access @ Build 2022 This Week, by Michael Aldridge
- New Bug in Microsoft Access 365 Version 2205 - SQL Server NVarchar Primary Keys cause #DELETED when linked with ODBC, by Philipp Stiefel
- Access Hyperlink SubAddress Bug?, by Daniel Pineault
- Connecting Power BI Desktop To An Encrypted Access Database, by Daniel Pineault
- Encoded Map Path Co-ordinates, by Colin Riddington
- Fast File Copy using a Windows API, by Colin Riddington
- On/Off Toggle Slider Control, by Colin Riddington
- Populate Junction Table, by Colin Riddington
- Setting Forms Font A discussion about datasheet formatting.
- Creating a tracking notes field in database A brief discussion about creating time-stamped, user-attributed notes.
- Access User Group Recordings (YouTube channel)
- ESP: UIs dinámicos con Access (57:22): presented in Spanish by Alessandro Grimaldi - Crystal Long (YouTube channel)
- Data Manipulation (8:38): Samples of data manipulation in the Access query window ~ DataPig
- Date() Function (5:27): Uses of the Date() Function in Access ~ DataPig
- Crosstab (5:25): Building a custom Crosstab query in Access ~ DataPig
- AND vs OR (4:28): AND vs OR in an Access Query Grid + SQL introduction ~ DataPig - Richard Rost (YouTube channel)
- Add Anything! (22:16): Add Anything You Want to a Record in a Microsoft Access Database. User Editable Supplemental Fields
- List Items Edit Form (11:03): How to Use a List Items Edit Form to Quickly Add or Edit Items in a Combo Box in Microsoft Access
- Column Colors (10:13): How to Change the Color of Different Columns in List Boxes and Combo Boxes in Microsoft Access
- Multi-Table Forms (18:00): Editing Records in Multi-Table Forms in Microsoft Access (Forms Based on Multiple Table Queries)
- Variables (14:42): Declaring Variables in Microsoft Access VBA. Dim, Public, Private, Static, TempVars, And More...
NOTE: The new videos posted to Crystal's YouTube page are part of an effort to preserve the Access content of retiring creators. I covered this effort as one of last week's discussion topics:
Status of DatabaseAnswers.org???? A conversation about preserving Access content on the web as former Access MVPs and other contributors retire
New to Me
This section includes content I discovered this week that has been around for awhile.
- Scripting all Agent Jobs Using SQL Server Management Studio, at SQLMatters.com
- Why does
begin with H when it’s not a handle to anything?, by the indomitable Raymond Chen - Did you know that Access is NOT a database but a Front End? by Boyd Trimmell (I assume)
I found the following quote from the Boyd Trimmell article noteworthy:
On the Microsoft Access Blog, there is a comment from Clint Covington of Microsoft that stated "The Jet engine is a system component and making changes to it meant making changes to Windows. The new engine gives us more flexibility to innovate in the codebase and ship updates via Office."
Upcoming Access User Group Events
NOTE: Only English-language user group meetings with scheduled guest speakers or topics are listed. For a complete list of upcoming events, visit the Access User Group event calendar.
- May 31, 2022: Crystal Long - Deep Dive into Word Automation using VBA and Access
- June 1, 2022: Alan Cossey - Standard Module Object Generation
- June 2, 2022: Crystal Long - Drawing the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements with an Access Report
- June 16, 2022: Karl Donaubauer - Design Patterns with Access
- July 6, 2022: Mike Wolfe - Building Ribbon Interfaces in Code
- August 3, 2022: Peter Cole - Automating 32-bit to 64-bit VBA Conversion
- September 1, 2022: Jack Stockton - Codifying Long Names into Unique Codes
- September 7, 2022: Colin Riddington - Optimizing Queries and the Use of JETSHOWPLAN
- October 5, 2022: Alessandro Grimaldi - Graphical Interfaces in Access
- November 2, 2022: George Hepworth - Power Apps for Access Developers
- December 7, 2022: Alexsander Wojtasz - Interactive Gantt Chart Scheduler in Access
Crystal Long emailed me a few teaser images from her upcoming June 2 presentation:

Access Roadmap
Listed below is a snapshot of the official Access Roadmap.
Microsoft made no changes to the roadmap since last week. I did change the formatting on this website to more clearly separate the upcoming features from those that have already been released.
In Development
OCT 2022
: Inconsistent Database Error Fix
MAR 2022
: New Microsoft Graph Data ConnectorSEP 2022
: New (Modern) Web Browser Control (to support Chromium Edge)SEP 2022
: Enabling Large Address Aware (LAA) for 32-Bit AccessDEC 2022
: SQL Monaco Editor
MAY 2022
: Access Dataverse ConnectorJAN 2021
: Access: ODBC Interface Support (without ACE Redistributable Engine)JAN 2021
: Access: DAO Interface Support (without ACE Redistributable Engine)