Business The Value Matrix: A Framework for Prioritizing Development Software developers are content writing great applications, but consultants understand the importance of delivering big business impact.
Whiteboard Sessions Microsoft Access: A Victim of Its Own Success Looking for bold new features in Microsoft Access? Don't hold your breath.
Whiteboard Sessions The Knowledge Square For knowledge workers in the 21st century, it's better to know what question to ask than it is to know the answer to the question.
Advanced VBA Dictionaries: AKA, Hash Tables This is not an article about Amsterdam flea markets. Hash tables are the data structures upon which Dictionaries are built.
Advanced VBA Collections: AKA, Linked Lists Everything I still remember about the Data Structures course I took 20 years ago as it applies to Collections in VBA.
Commentary 7th Grade Career Day Using this approach, I manage to teach multiple programming concepts to absolute beginners in the span of about fifteen minutes.
Signal vs. Noise Signal vs. Noise My approach to software development in four words: Less noise. More signal.