Basic Watching and Waiting Careful what you watch for! Monitoring changes to a slow expression can grind your debug session to a halt.
Code Library How to Set a Breakpoint Inside of an Access Query Did you ever want to set a breakpoint inside of an executing query? How about inside a form event property? This trick lets you do it.
Commentary Reducing Lost Code Recovery Time How do you reduce your recovery time when you've lost a bunch of code you just wrote? To misquote Bart Simpson, "Version control, my man."
The Extra Resume: Revisited Pre-staging the extra Resume means, "there's no code to change when debugging." But is that really a good thing?
SQL Server Brent Ozar: Date Table Fan Brent Ozar, legendary SQL Server guru, makes his case for using a "Date Table." The video is all done in T-SQL, but the concepts apply equally to ACE backends.
Commentary Recovering From Code Loss Access just crashed while you were writing code. When you last saved will determine how long it takes to recover, but it's not a linear relationship.
Basic The Extra Resume Want an easy way to jump to the line that raised the error AND avoid the infinite loop time bomb? Add an extra Resume.
Basic The Danger of Do Loops If you're going to write a Do Loop, don't forget to update whatever it is you're using to break out of said loop. And, oh yeah, save before testing!
Code Library Looping by Month: Loop Until with DateAdd Reader Francesco Foti writes in with his own solution to the Looping by Month challenge.
Code Library Looping by Month: Lookup Table Have I ever used this method? No. Can I imagine a situation where it could be useful? Maybe. Should I write an article about it? Sure, why not.
Code Library Creating a Monthly Lookup Table Having a table where each record represents a single month can come in quite handy. Let's create such a table.
Code Library Looping by Month: Custom Functions By using a couple of custom functions, we can write very readable loops that iterate one month at a time.
Code Library Looping by Month: DateSerial The first approach to looping by month uses only the builtin VBA functions DateSerial() and DateDiff().
Code Library Sticky Wicket: Looping by Month Some programming problems are difficult to solve. Others are difficult to solve clearly.
Commentary You're Not an Impostor You're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it, people like you.
Code Library RegOp Quick Tip Be respectful of your user's registry. Store all your applications' settings in a dedicated publisher subkey.
Code Library RegOp Class for 64-bit VBA Updating a classic VBA registry reading and writing class module for 64-bit compatibility.
Tools Hiding Shortcuts in Everything Here's a quick tip from Tom Wickerath for hiding shortcut files from your Everything file search results.
Risk Management The Allegory Explained What does delivering mail have to do with writing software applications? I'm glad you asked.
Risk Management Mail: An Allegory Behold, the world's greatest literary allegory since George Orwell penned "Animal Farm."
Professional Development Growing a Business I used to think owning a business was scary. And then I decided to start growing it.
Code Library Joining Paths in VBA How many times have you gotten a runtime error because you had duplicate or missing backslashes in your file paths? Never again!
Tools vbWatchdog Webinar Peter Cole of presents a demonstration of vbWatchdog in action. Come for the info, stay for the discount code.
SQL Server Securing Access and SQL Server Wherein Anders Ebro demonstrates how easy it is to circumvent application-level security in an Access program.