Much Ado About Little: The #Under100 Series
Brevity is the soul of wit.

If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.
-Blaise Pascal
I'm experimenting with a new series of articles titled, "Under 100." With the aid of graphics, animated gifs, and economy of language, I will attempt to explain several topics related to Microsoft Access, VBA, and relational databases in one hundred words or fewer.
By working within this self-imposed constraint, I hope to boil down complex topics into only their essential elements.
Visit the Under 100 tag page to find all the articles in this series.
I'm taking topic requests; leave a comment below.
How much is one hundred words?
There are exactly 100 words between the two horizontal rules above. Note: I won't be counting the excerpt/subheading text, bottom-of-the-page links, or image credits against the 100-word limit.
Internal References