Converting VBA Long Color Values to RGB

The VBA RGB() function converts red, green, and blue values into a VBA long integer color value. This simple function works in the other direction.

Converting VBA Long Color Values to RGB

Color values in VBA are stored as Long integers.  

To get the long integer value of a color from its primary color components, you can use the RGB function.  But what if you want to go in the other direction?  Don't worry, I've got a function for that.

Calculating the Long Color Values

As I noted above, you can use the built-in RGB() function to calculate the long integer color values.  However, the math to create those values by hand is straightforward:

Red × 256⁰ + Green × 256¹ + Blue × 256²

For example, the color gray (RGB(128, 128, 128) = 8421504) is calculated as follows:

Red × 256⁰ + Green × 256¹ + Blue × 256²
128 × 256⁰ +   128 × 256¹ +  128 × 256²
128 × 1    +   128 × 256  +  128 × 65,536
   128     +     32,768   +    8,388,608

Test Driven Development

Before we write the function, we'll write some tests to cover the various cases.  I can't use the color constants in my tests (such as vbYellow), so I use the literal values instead.

To run these tests, you'll need my DocTests function (or Ben Clothier's recently released tUnitVba add-in; source code only for now).

'>>> ConvertColorToRgb(0)
'RGB(0, 0, 0)

'Red/Dark Red
'>>> ConvertColorToRgb(255)
'RGB(255, 0, 0)
'>>> ConvertColorToRgb(128)
'RGB(128, 0, 0)

'Green/Dark Green
'>>> ConvertColorToRgb(65280)
'RGB(0, 255, 0)
'>>> ConvertColorToRgb(RGB(0, 128, 0))
'RGB(0, 128, 0)

'Blue/Dark Blue
'>>> ConvertColorToRgb(16711680)
'RGB(0, 0, 255)
'>>> ConvertColorToRgb(RGB(0, 0, 128))
'RGB(0, 0, 128)

'Yellow/Dark Yellow
'>>> ConvertColorToRgb(65535)
'RGB(255, 255, 0)
'>>> ConvertColorToRgb(RGB(128, 128, 128))
'RGB(128, 128, 128)

'>>> ConvertColorToRgb(16777215)
'RGB(255, 255, 255)

Once I had created the above tests, I began building the function to satisfy them.  And once all the tests passed, I was done:

The Code: ConvertColorToRgb

' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Procedure : ConvertColorToRgb
' Date      : 12/29/2022
' Author    : Mike Wolfe
' Source    :
' Purpose   : Converts a Long color value to the equivalent
'               RGB function call.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
Function ConvertColorToRgb(ColorValue As Long) As String
    Dim Red As Long, Green As Long, Blue As Long    
    Red = ColorValue Mod 256
    Green = ((ColorValue - Red) / 256) Mod 256
    Blue = ((ColorValue - Red - (Green * 256)) / 256 / 256) Mod 256
    ConvertColorToRgb = "RGB(" & _
                    Red & ", " & _
                    Green & ", " & _
                    Blue & ")"
End Function

External references

RGB function (Visual Basic for Applications)
Office VBA reference topic

All original code samples by Mike Wolfe are licensed under CC BY 4.0