Bug Alert Roll Back to Previous Version of Office When on Microsoft 365 Current Channel (Preview) Rolling back to previous versions of Microsoft 365 (nee Office 365) is hard enough in the best-case scenario. Troubleshooting problems is a nightmare.
Version Control Git vs. Mercurial in 2024 This classic article from fifteen years ago contains one of the most impressively specific (and accurate) technology predictions I've ever read.
Quick Tip QuickTip: Navigation Captions Even after 17 years of developing in Microsoft Access, I'm still learning about features that have been there the whole time...
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: January 21, 2024 Highlights include a minor delay of the long-awaited twinBASIC IDE update, a new twinBASIC FAQ page, and several new and updated tB projects from fafalone.
Week in Review Week in Review: January 20, 2024 Highlights include creating Windows taskbar notifications with VBA, FMS Access tools demo, and conditionally hiding buttons on continuous forms.
Defensive Programming Bug Alert: Accidental Double-Clicking of Long-Running Processes This is not a bug in Access itself, but rather a common pattern that leads to occasional logic errors that can be nearly impossible to reproduce (and debug).
Announcement Access Day 2024 Come join the Microsoft Access team, several Access MVPs (including me), and other fellow Access developers in Redmond, WA, on March 15, 2024.
Code Library GetCtlAtMouse(): A Reliable Way to Return the Current Control Object Under the Mouse Cursor in Access In this follow-up to my earlier article on the undocumented AccHitTest() method, we improve how we handle errors when the mouse is over an empty area of the form.
Commentary Microsoft Access: The Only Low-Code/No-Code/High-Code Data Application on the Market Microsoft Access was the original low-code tool before low-code tools were all the rage. There's an important reason why Access remains the king.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: January 14, 2024 Highlights include a dedicated twinBASIC forum at VBForums, new teaser images from this Friday's upcoming beta release, and several projects from fafalone.
Week in Review Weeks in Review: January 13, 2024 Highlights include the release of "Access on Steroids", a Rubberduck v3 update, a CDO StartTLS deep dive, and two presentations on classes in VBA.
Code Library How to Open a File with its Default Application in VBA One of the handiest functions I use in my Access applications is this gem from Dev Ashish: fHandleFile(). Here's how to make it compatible with 64-bit VBA.
Form Design Viewer Question: Sort a Continuous Form by Clicking on the Column Label of a Combo Box My NewSort() function lets you easily add support for giving users a way to sort your continuous forms. But how do we sort by combo boxes' displayed text?
Archive Archive Collection: Date Functions I'm on vacation (shh...don't tell anyone)! I'll be back soon, but until then enjoy today's curated collection of articles from the archive. Today's topic: Date Functions.
Archive Archive Collection: Debugging I'm on vacation (shh...don't tell anyone)! I'll be back soon, but until then enjoy today's curated collection of articles from the archive. Today's topic: Debugging.
Archive Archive Collection: Design Functions I'm on vacation (shh...don't tell anyone)! I'll be back soon, but until then enjoy today's curated collection of articles from the archive. Today's topic: Design Functions.
Archive Archive Collection: DevCon 2023 I'm on vacation (shh...don't tell anyone)! I'll be back soon, but until then enjoy today's curated collection of articles from the archive. Today's topic: DevCon 2023.
Archive Archive Collection: Window Functions I'm on vacation (shh...don't tell anyone)! I'll be back soon, but until then enjoy today's curated collection of articles from the archive. Today's topic: Window Functions.
Archive Archive Collection: Combo Boxes I'm on vacation (shh...don't tell anyone)! I'll be back soon, but until then enjoy today's curated collection of articles from the archive. Today's topic: Combo Boxes.
Archive Archive Collection: String Functions I'm on vacation (shh...don't tell anyone)! I'll be back soon, but until then enjoy today's curated collection of articles from the archive. Today's topic: String Functions.
Form Design Tab Controls with Hidden Tabs This little-known and underused feature opens up some interesting design possibilities for creative Access developers.
SQL HOW TO: Make Backward-Compatible Changes to SQL SELECT Queries The `AS` keyword in SQL allows you to replace table fields with calculated columns while retaining the original name.
Hidden Features Concatenating Strings in VBA: Plus (+) vs. Ampersand (&) Both the ampersand and the plus sign operators can be used to join strings in VBA. Clever developers can use this to their advantage.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: December 31, 2023 A quiet week of development with a fascinating conversation on Wayne's decision to write a custom compiler rather than transpile twinBASIC into C/C++.