ArrowKeyNav Presentation
A list of resources and further reading to support my presentation on Navigating Continuous Forms using WithEvents.

Today I gave my presentation on implementing Excel-style navigation using WithEvents to the Access Pacific Users Group.
Slide deck
Here's a PDF copy of the slides:
Sample database
Here's a copy of the sample database from my demo:
- ArrowKeyNav-NoErrEx.accdb: (NOTE: I stripped the vbWatchdog code out of this copy of this db, so there is no real error handling in it now)
Video link
I will post a link to the recording when it is available.
The video is now available on YouTube:
Special thanks to Access MVP Crystal Long for producing and posting the video.
Further reading
Below is a sampling of my articles that go more in depth into some of the topics I mentioned during my talk:

UPDATE [2021-05-19]: Added link to presentation on YouTube.