Week in Review: June 25, 2022
Highlights include an elegant solution to synchronized scrolling, a novel approach to db schema versioning, and a deep dive into recovering deleted db objects.

Just Published
This section includes videos, articles, and interesting discussions from the past 7 days.
- Change Attachment Dialog Default Directory, by Daniel Pineault
- Install Windows 3.1 on an iPhone, by Colin Riddington
- Access Infographics, by Colin Riddington
- Drag & Drop Database Objects, by Colin Riddington
- Synchronise Subform Scrolling, by Colin Riddington (Includes an elegant solution to a problem whose alternate solutions usually involve lots of VBA code and/or Windows APIs.)
- Recover Deleted Database Objects, by Colin Riddington (Great article with lots of details on what actually happens to tables/queries/forms/reports that you delete in your Access database. That said, I keep my Access applications under version control, so I NEVER have to worry about accidentally deleting a database object.)
- How Can Your Data Benefit You in Ways You’ve Yet to Even Imagine?, by Maria Barnes
- Ms access online back end / via internet .... without affecting performance
- Search Button: Discussion about implementing a search field on a continuous form.
- Does an Access query negate the benefits of utilizing SQL Server?
- Access User Group Recordings (YouTube channel)
- Word Automation from Access (52:29): VBA Deep Dive by Crystal Long - Denver Area Access Users Group (YouTube channel)
- Design Patterns with Access (1:14:52): Presented by Karl Donaubauer - Crystal Long (YouTube channel)
- Union Query (8:03): Step by step design of Union query to show both detail and summary data ~ DataPig - Richard Rost (YouTube channel)
- Multiple Combo Boxes For One Field (14:10): Binding Multiple Combo Boxes to One Field in Microsoft Access. Why Would You Do This?
- Modal & Popup (11:55): How to Create Modal and Popup Forms in Microsoft Access. Create Popup Sticky Notes.
- Project Budgets (38:41): Relationships with More than 2 Tables in Microsoft Access: Assign Orders to Projects for Budgeting
- Week of the Year (12:44): How to Display the Week of the Year in Microsoft Access Forms, Queries, and Reports (1-53)
- Access Beginner 2, Level 4 (15:53): Intro to Relationships, Primary & Foreign Keys, More - Pharos Technology [Dr. Richard Hanson] (YouTube channel)
- Validation Rules (8:58): Table Validation Rules and Text
- Attachment Data Type (3:04): How to Use the New Attachment Data Type
- Table Indexing (4:30): How to Index Your Critical Fields in a Table
NOTE: The new videos posted to Crystal's YouTube page are part of an effort to preserve the Access content of retiring creators.
New to Me
This section includes content I discovered this week that has been around for awhile.
Upcoming Access User Group Events
NOTE: Only English-language user group meetings with scheduled guest speakers or topics are listed. For a complete list of upcoming events, visit the Access User Group event calendar.
- July 6, 2022: Mike Wolfe - Building Ribbon Interfaces in Code
- July 21, 2022: Richard Rost - Custom List Box Columns
- August 3, 2022: Peter Cole - Automating 32-bit to 64-bit VBA Conversion
- September 1, 2022: Jack Stockton - Codifying Long Names into Unique Codes
- September 7, 2022: Colin Riddington - Optimizing Queries and the Use of JETSHOWPLAN
- October 5, 2022: Alessandro Grimaldi - Graphical Interfaces in Access
- November 2, 2022: George Hepworth - Power Apps for Access Developers
- December 7, 2022: Alexsander Wojtasz - Interactive Gantt Chart Scheduler in Access
- January 4, 2023: Peter Bryant - Automating DSN-less connections to SQL Server
- February 1, 2023: Thomas Möller - Better Access Charts
Access Roadmap
There were NO CHANGES to the roadmap between last week (2022-06-18) and this week (2022-06-25).
Listed below is a snapshot of the official Access Roadmap.
"In Development", "Rolling Out", and "Launched" are Microsoft terms that I pulled straight from the public roadmap.
"Development Priorities" do not appear on the Access Roadmap. Instead, they get updated from time to time in official Access blog posts. I'll include a link to the official Access blog post that lists the current development priorities as they get updated.
Development Priorities
The items listed below reflect Microsoft's order of priority and were published in the following article, Changes to Our Public Roadmap and How We Communicate Access Feature Priorities.
- Inconsistent Database Error Fix
- New (Modern) Web Browser Control (to support Chromium Edge)
- Enabling Large Address Aware (LAA) for 32-Bit Access
- SQL Monaco Editor
- New Microsoft Graph Data Connector
In Development
Rolling Out
MAY 2022
: Access Dataverse ConnectorJAN 2021
: Access: ODBC Interface Support (without ACE Redistributable Engine)JAN 2021
: Access: DAO Interface Support (without ACE Redistributable Engine)
UPDATE [2022-06-27]: Fixed broken link to Colin Riddington's Windows 3.1 on an iPhone article (thanks, Adam Waller!).