What does RBAR mean?
The concept of RBAR explained in under 100 words. #Under100

RBAR (pronounced REE-bar): Row By Agonizing Row
Databases are highly optimized to perform set-based operations.
For example, if you want to get the total amount owed on your open invoices, it will be much faster to do that in a query (a set-based operation) than by looping (row-by-agonizing-row).
GOOD: Set-Based Operations
SELECT Sum(AmtOwed) As TotalOwed
FROM Invoice
WHERE PaidOn Is Null
BAD: Row By Agonizing Row
Dim TotalOwed As Currency
With CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Invoice")
Do Until .EOF
If IsNull(!PaidOn) Then TotalOwed = !AmtOwed + TotalOwed
End With
Further reading
RBAR vs. Set based programming for SQL
Having read this link on RBAR and this, my understanding of RBAR amounts to this: Anything that have loops and cursorsAnything that’s not set based I know this sounds kinda wholly which is why I...

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