Tools 3 Free Options for Managing Linked Tables in Access The original linked table manager was a terrible tool. Let's look at three better options for today's Microsoft Access developers.
SQL Server Advanced Server-Side SQL Server Query Troubleshooting The XEvent Profiler in SSMS is a powerful troubleshooting tool, but what happens when the standard sessions are not enough? We need to customize...
SQL Server IIF ... IS NULL vs. Nz(): Testing a Hypothesis Which is better in a WHERE clause: IIf...Is Null or Nz()? Or is there a third option that's better than both of those?
Migration Convert Common Access Field Defaults to SQL Server Here's the Select Case statement I use to convert common Access field default calculations--Now(), Date(), etc.--to their SQL Server equivalents.
SQL T-SQL ISNULL() vs. VBA IsNull() vs. Jet IS NULL vs. Access VBA Nz() How do I check thee for NULL? Let me count the ways.
SQL Server Save $3,500 by Creating Scheduled Backups Using SQL Server Express You don't need to spend big bucks to get automated database backups with SQL Server. This simple step-by-step process is nearly foolproof.
AutoHotKey Toggle ODBC TraceSQLMode with an AutoHotKey Script Traditional methods of enabling and disabling ODBC TraceSQLMode are a pain in the neck. This AutoHotKey script makes it as easy as pushing a button.
SQL Server Making Sense of SQLOUT.TXT You've enabled ODBC Trace SQL Mode and created a sqlout.txt file. But do you know what to do with it now? Let's explore.
SQL Server Editing Data Directly in SSMS Query results in SQL Server Management Studio are read-only by default. Follow these steps to edit SQL Server table data directly inside SSMS.
Tools 3 Ways to Find sqlout.txt Finding ODBC TraceSQLMode's sqlout.txt file can be deceptively difficult. Here are three approaches to make it easy. At least one is guaranteed to work.
Debugging Troubleshooting SQL Server Connection Errors "SQL Server does not exist or access denied." One error. Dozens of possible causes. Read on for a bunch of practical troubleshooting tips.
SQL Server SQL Server Connectors in 2022 To get access to the latest features--especially security features--be sure you're using the latest ADO provider and ODBC driver for SQL Server.
SQL Server How Access Reads Data From SQL Server How does Microsoft Access pull data from SQL Server? You'll be amazed when we pull back the curtain to expose how Access interacts with SQL Server.
SQL Server Quick Way to Troubleshoot SQL Server ADO Connections This simple trick provides you with plenty of clues when debugging a failed SQL Server connection on a user's computer.
SQL Server 3 Gotchas of the SQL BETWEEN Statement The SQL BETWEEN statement produces very readable condition expressions. But developers of all skill levels can still get into trouble with it.
Advanced Using Windows Authentication to Connect to SQL Server from Outside the Domain You don't need to join your computer to a domain to be able to connect to SQL Server using Windows Authentication. You just need to know this simple trick.
Defensive Programming Data Validity Checks Increase the quality of your existing data by running it through a series of validity checks and showing your users the results.
SQL Server Unit Testing Tool for SQL Server This open-source database unit testing tool should help make test-driven database development easier to manage.
SQL Server Floating Point Arithmetic in VBA vs. SQL Server VBA and SQL Server do not perform floating-point operations the same way. Being aware of this difference could save you hours of frustration someday.
SQL Server Linking to SQL Server Date Fields from Microsoft Access I always avoided SQL Server's DATE type in favor of the DATETIME type's better compatibility with MS Access. A newer ODBC driver has me changing my mind.
SQL Server Trust But Verify What Ronald Reagan's Words Can Teach Us About the Sample Code We Find on the Internet
VBA to T-SQL via TDD How to Convert a VBA Function to a SQL Server Scalar Function MS Access Developers Can Remove All the Risk From This Complex Process With These 3 Words
Intermediate Enforcing a Single-Row Table in MS Access and SQL Server There are many uses for a table with one--and only one--row in it. Using such a table is simpler if you can rely on the sanctity of its one-row-ness.
Basic Field Comments on Linked Tables In this 6-part series, I cover everything you need to know about field descriptions for linked tables with Access and SQL Server back-end databases.