SQL Server "Codify" Function
This function will jump-start the process of converting long descriptions into meaningful abbreviations. It's great for creating "Code" columns in lookup tables.

I wrote yesterday about how I like to include a short, 2- to 5-character abbreviation code in my lookup tables.
Here's an excerpt from the article, Abbreviations in Lookup Tables:
Notice how much space the Industry column takes up. If you didn't know any better, you would think that was the most important column on the form.

The form below would be harder for a new user to understand, as the industry abbreviations will be unfamiliar to them. But for a regular user, the condensed information would actually make this form easier to use.

Creating Abbreviations from an Existing Lookup Table
At the end of that article, I promised to provide a SQL Server function to generate these types of codes automatically.
To be clear, this function only provides a starting point for creating lookup table codes. It won't do anything to prevent duplicate abbreviations. Not every abbreviation it creates will be the best fit for the description it goes with. It's main purpose is to jump start the process.
You (or your users) will still need to review the results and modify them as needed.
The Codify Function
The T-SQL Codify function that I adapted from this StackOverflow answer takes two arguments:
- The text you want to abbreviate
- The max number of characters you want returned
It follows a few simple rules:
- Use the first letter from each word
- Replace instances of 'and' with '&'
- Don't allow a trailing '&'
- If only one word, return first
letters in the word
Here's the T-SQL:
| This function creates an abbreviated code from a longer string
| - Author: Mike Wolfe
| - Source: https://nolongerset.com/sql-server-codify-function/
| It follows these rules:
| - Use the first letter from each word
| - Replace instances of 'and' with '&'
| - Don't allow a trailing '&'
| - If only one word, return first @codelen letters in the word
| Adapted from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9304623/154439
@txt nvarchar(2000),
@codeLen int )
RETURNS nvarchar(2000) AS
DECLARE @retval NVARCHAR(2000);
SET @str=RTRIM(LTRIM(@txt));
SET @retval=LEFT(@str,1);
WHILE CHARINDEX(' ',@str,1)>0 AND LEN(@retval) < @codeLen BEGIN
SET @str=LTRIM(RIGHT(@str,LEN(@str)-CHARINDEX(' ',@str,1)));
IF UPPER(LEFT(@str, 3)) = 'AND'
-- Use ampersand (&) instead of 'a' to replace 'And'
SET @retval+='&'
SET @retval+=LEFT(@str,1);
-- Do not create a code with a trailing ampersand
IF (LEN(@retval) = @codeLen) AND RIGHT(@retval,1) = '&'
SET @retval = LEFT(@retval, @codeLen - 1)
IF Len(@retval) = 1
SET @retval = LEFT(@txt,@codeLen);
RETURN @retval;
Sample Usage
, dbo.Codify(f.industry, 2) AS [2-char Code]
, dbo.Codify(f.industry, 3) AS [3-char Code]
, dbo.Codify(f.industry, 4) AS [4-char Code]
, dbo.Codify(f.industry, 5) AS [5-char Code]
, dbo.Codify(f.industry, 6) AS [6-char Code]
FROM dbo.Fortune500 AS F
And here are the results of the above query:
Industry Description | 2-char Code | 3-char Code | 4-char Code | 5-char Code | 6-char Code |
Advertising, marketing | Am | Am | Am | Am | Am |
Aerospace and Defense | AD | A&D | A&D | A&D | A&D |
Airlines | Ai | Air | Airl | Airli | Airlin |
Apparel | Ap | App | Appa | Appar | Appare |
Automotive Retailing, Services | AR | ARS | ARS | ARS | ARS |
Beverages | Be | Bev | Beve | Bever | Bevera |
Building Materials, Glass | BM | BMG | BMG | BMG | BMG |
Chemicals | Ch | Che | Chem | Chemi | Chemic |
Commercial Banks | CB | CB | CB | CB | CB |
Computer Peripherals | CP | CP | CP | CP | CP |
Computer Software | CS | CS | CS | CS | CS |
Computers, Office Equipment | CO | COE | COE | COE | COE |
Construction and Farm Machinery | CF | C&F | C&FM | C&FM | C&FM |
Diversified Financials | DF | DF | DF | DF | DF |
Diversified Outsourcing Services | DO | DOS | DOS | DOS | DOS |
Education | Ed | Edu | Educ | Educa | Educat |
Electronics, Electrical Equip. | EE | EEE | EEE | EEE | EEE |
Energy | En | Ene | Ener | Energ | Energy |
Engineering, Construction | EC | EC | EC | EC | EC |
Entertainment | En | Ent | Ente | Enter | Entert |
Financial Data Services | FD | FDS | FDS | FDS | FDS |
Food and Drug Stores | FD | F&D | F&DS | F&DS | F&DS |
Food Consumer Products | FC | FCP | FCP | FCP | FCP |
Food Production | FP | FP | FP | FP | FP |
Food Services | FS | FS | FS | FS | FS |
Forest and Paper Products | FP | F&P | F&PP | F&PP | F&PP |
General Merchandisers | GM | GM | GM | GM | GM |
Health Care: Insurance and Managed Care | HC | HCI | HCIM | HCI&M | HCI&MC |
Health Care: Medical Facilities | HC | HCM | HCMF | HCMF | HCMF |
Health Care: Pharmacy and Other Services | HC | HCP | HCPO | HCP&O | HCP&OS |
Home Equipment, Furnishings | HE | HEF | HEF | HEF | HEF |
Homebuilders | Ho | Hom | Home | Homeb | Homebu |
Hotels, Casinos, Resorts | HC | HCR | HCR | HCR | HCR |
Household and Personal Products | HP | H&P | H&PP | H&PP | H&PP |
Industrial Machinery | IM | IM | IM | IM | IM |
Information Technology Services | IT | ITS | ITS | ITS | ITS |
Insurance: Life, Health (Mutual) | IL | ILH | ILH( | ILH( | ILH( |
Insurance: Life, Health (stock) | IL | ILH | ILH( | ILH( | ILH( |
Insurance: Property and Casualty (Mutual) | IP | IPC | IP&C | IP&C( | IP&C( |
Insurance: Property and Casualty (Stock) | IP | IPC | IP&C | IP&C( | IP&C( |
Internet Services and Retailing | IS | ISR | IS&R | IS&R | IS&R |
Mail, Package, and Freight Delivery | MP | MPF | MP&F | MP&FD | MP&FD |
Medical Products and Equipment | MP | MPE | MP&E | MP&E | MP&E |
Metals | Me | Met | Meta | Metal | Metals |
Mining, Crude-Oil Production | MC | MCP | MCP | MCP | MCP |
Motor Vehicles and Parts | MV | MVP | MV&P | MV&P | MV&P |
Network and Other Communications Equipment | NO | N&O | N&OC | N&OCE | N&OCE |
Oil and Gas Equipment, Services | OG | O&G | O&GE | O&GES | O&GES |
Packaging, Containers | PC | PC | PC | PC | PC |
Petroleum Refining | PR | PR | PR | PR | PR |
Pharmaceuticals | Ph | Pha | Phar | Pharm | Pharma |
Pipelines | Pi | Pip | Pipe | Pipel | Pipeli |
Publishing, Printing | PP | PP | PP | PP | PP |
Railroads | Ra | Rai | Rail | Railr | Railro |
Real estate | Re | Re | Re | Re | Re |
Scientific,Photographic and Control Equipment | SC | S&C | S&CE | S&CE | S&CE |
Securities | Se | Sec | Secu | Secur | Securi |
Semiconductors and Other Electronic Components | SO | S&O | S&OE | S&OEC | S&OEC |
Specialty Retailers: Apparel | SR | SRA | SRA | SRA | SRA |
Specialty Retailers: Other | SR | SRO | SRO | SRO | SRO |
Telecommunications | Te | Tel | Tele | Telec | Teleco |
Temporary Help | TH | TH | TH | TH | TH |
Tobacco | To | Tob | Toba | Tobac | Tobacc |
Toys, Sporting Goods | TS | TSG | TSG | TSG | TSG |
Transportation and Logistics | TL | T&L | T&L | T&L | T&L |
Transportation Equipment | TE | TE | TE | TE | TE |
Trucking, Truck Leasing | TT | TTL | TTL | TTL | TTL |
Utilities: Gas and Electric | UG | UGE | UG&E | UG&E | UG&E |
Waste Management | WM | WM | WM | WM | WM |
Wholesalers: Diversified | WD | WD | WD | WD | WD |
Wholesalers: Electronics and Office Equipment | WE | WEO | WE&O | WE&OE | WE&OE |
Wholesalers: Food and Grocery | WF | WFG | WF&G | WF&G | WF&G |
Wholesalers: Health Care | WH | WHC | WHC | WHC | WHC |
zMiscellaneous | zM | zMi | zMis | zMisc | zMisce |
Referenced articles

- Image by Darkmoon_Art from Pixabay
- Letter images by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay