Code Library UserPressed(): Break Out of a Long-Running Loop in VBA with the Escape Key This API call captures keyboard input from the user without relying on any of the form keyboard events.
Announcement Microsoft Announces the Death of VBScript As seems to be their new modus operandi, Microsoft has quietly rolled a hand grenade into the VBA development world with very little fanfare.
Basic Local vs. Linked Tables in Microsoft Access An introduction to the differences between local and linked tables in Microsoft Access, including five situations where local tables are the better choice.
Commentary Documenting Recurring Processes The two-pronged approach we use to document recurring processes internally.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: October 29, 2023 Highlights include two new methods for tB IDE Add-in development and an upcoming rewrite of the standard library implementation.
Week in Review Week in Review: October 28, 2023 Highlights include integrating ChatGPT into Access, the new Access Program Manager (Linda Cannon) at Access Lunchtime, and the Access team weighs in on New Outlook.
Code Library Automating Temporary Data Cleanup in Access with the ClearTempTables() Procedure The ClearTempTables() procedure is a quick way to empty out temporary tables in your front-end Access files before deploying updates.
Access 101 Access 101: SELECT Query The SELECT query is the source of a relational database system's true power.
Report Builder Report Builder: The Reports & Templates Tables A description of the tables used to store built-in and user-created report templates for use with my Advanced Report Builder.
Access 101 Access 101: Referential Integrity Referential integrity is the key to ensuring data quality in a relational database. Learn what it is and how to enforce it among your back-end tables.
Report Builder Report Builder: The Local ReportControls Table A description of the local table that serves as the foundation for my Advanced Report Builder.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: October 22, 2023 Highlights include experimental vbWatchdog support, a CheckBitness utility from fafalone, and a VB6 OSInfo class ported to twinBASIC.
Week in Review Week in Review: October 21, 2023 Highlights include updateable cross-tab forms with Pat Hartman, George Hepworth's Searchable Catalog project, and Richard Rost's Decision Tree database.
Report Builder Advanced Report Builder Form This is a reference for my Advanced Report Builder form. The form is broken down into eight sections with links to articles explaining each one.
Performance Tips Reader Question: Is it worth running an Access front-end from a RAM disk? Is it worth the complication to run an Access front-end file from within a RAM disk? The answer may surprise you. Or it may not. (Am I doing clickbait wrong?)
Report Builder Advanced Report Builder Announcing a new cookbook-style series of advanced articles focused on creating a custom report builder in Microsoft Access.
Access 101 Access 101: Local vs. Linked Tables In Access, tables can be local (stored in the front-end file) or linked (stored in a separate database). Let's explore when and why to use each type.
Business Productized Services: Finding the Sweet Spot Between Products and Services If you don't relish the thought of running sales meetings and writing proposals, productized services may be a good fit for you.
twinBASIC Weekly Update twinBASIC Update: October 15, 2023 Highlights include a new TextHint property for text boxes, an easier way to apply license keys, and updates to the official twinBASIC wiki documentation.
Week in Review Week in Review: October 14, 2023 Highlights include a video on the future of Access with cameos from the Microsoft Access engineering team, a Decision Tree database, and Shared VBA Libraries.
Basic How Many Forms and Reports Should Go in the Back-End Database File? Spoiler alert! The correct answer is zero.
Access 101 Access 101: Front-End vs. Back-End "Front-end" and "back-end" are the terms we use to distinguish between the user interface and the data storage, respectively.
Access 101 Access 101: What is a Query in Access? Queries are how we get useful information from data stored in tables. They also let us make bulk changes to our data. ... Be careful with queries!
Access 101 Access 101: What is a Table in Access? If you know Excel worksheets, Access tables will look very familiar. Be careful, though! There is a "key" difference between the two.
Commentary Working on Someone Else's Code Base: Why Applications are Easier to Write Than Maintain Writing greenfield code is easier (and more fun!) than maintaining an existing application. But that doesn't mean it's a good idea.