Joining Paths in VBA
How many times have you gotten a runtime error because you had duplicate or missing backslashes in your file paths? Never again!

A common source of errors when building file paths is to end up with a double path separator or a missing path separator.
For example, say you have a function that is writing to a file that should be named C:\Path\To\My\File.txt
. Depending on how you call said function, you can easily end up with errors like this...
Path C:\Path\To\MyFile.txt
does not exist.
... or this ...
Invalid path: C:\Path\To\My\\File.txt
FileSystemObject BuildPath Method
One way to avoid this fate is to use the BuildPath method of the FileSystemObject.
The StackOverflow answer below offers this as a solution:

Joining Multiple Paths
I often find myself wanting to join multiple subfolders to create a full path. This is something I often do when building file names to refer to images stored on a network folder.
(Storing images within a database is usually a bad idea. There are some exceptions to this rule, such as when you need to guarantee transactional consistency between the image and the related record. The best practice in most cases is to store the image on the file system with some sort of name that can be composed from database field values. Newer versions of SQL Server include the FileTable feature which does exactly this, but the database engine handles all the details behind the scenes.)
Joining more than two path sections requires multiple calls to the BuildPath method. The code's readability suffers as a result. You either nest the function calls, which is ugly, or you use multiple lines to call the function, which is unnecessarily verbose.
I wrote the function below to combine an arbitrary number of path segments into a full filepath. Each segment can be passed with or without a leading or trailing backslash. The function is loosely based on the Python os.path.join
method, so I've also borrowed the name.
The Code: PathJoin()
By default, all trailing backslashes are removed. If you want to force a trailing backslash, you need to pass a single backslash as the final argument to the function. This is true even if the final section ends in a backslash.
For complete usage details, refer to the doc tests in the comments of the function header. (Doc tests are great, right? They're another feature I shamelessly ripped off of the Python ecosystem.) The function also makes calls to my Conc() function, so you'll need a copy of that to get everything to compile.
' Procedure : PathJoin
' Author : Mike Wolfe (
' Source :
' Date : 10/21/2015
' Purpose : Intelligently joins path components automatically dealing with backslashes.
' Notes - To add a trailing backslash, pass a single backslash as the final parameter.
' - If there is no single backslash passed at the end, there will be no trailing
' backslash (even if the final parameter contains a trailing backslash).
' - A leading backslash in the first parameter will be left in place.
' - Empty path components are ignored.
'>>> PathJoin("C:\", "Users", "Public", "\")
'>>> PathJoin("C:", "Users", "Public", "Settings.ini")
'>>> PathJoin("\\localpc\C$", "\Users\", "\Public\")
'>>> PathJoin("\\localpc\C$", "\Users\", "\Public\", "")
'>>> PathJoin("\\localpc\C$", "\Users\", "\Public\", "\")
'>>> PathJoin("Users", "Public")
'>>> PathJoin("\Users", "Public\Documents", "New Text Document.txt")
'\Users\Public\Documents\New Text Document.txt
'>>> PathJoin("C:\Users\", "", "Public", "\", "Documents", "\")
'>>> PathJoin("C:\Users\Public\")
'>>> PathJoin("C:\Users\Public\", "\")
'>>> PathJoin("C:\Users\Public", "\")
Public Function PathJoin(ParamArray PathComponents() As Variant) As String
Dim LowerBound As Integer
LowerBound = LBound(PathComponents)
Dim UpperBound As Integer
UpperBound = UBound(PathComponents)
Dim i As Integer
For i = LowerBound To UpperBound
Dim Component As String
Component = CStr(PathComponents(i))
If Component = "\" And i = UpperBound Then
'Add a trailing slash
PathJoin = PathJoin & "\"
'Strip trailing slash if necessary
If Right(Component, 1) = "\" Then Component = Left(Component, Len(Component) - 1)
'Strip leading slash if necessary
If i > LowerBound And Left(Component, 1) = "\" Then Component = Mid(Component, 2)
If Len(Component) = 0 Then
'do nothing
PathJoin = Conc(PathJoin, Component, "\")
End If
End If
Next i
End Function
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay