IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth() Function

I bet you can't guess what this function does.

IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth() Function

One of our Access applications integrates with a reporting system that releases certain reports on the last business day of each month.  Thus, I wrote the not-so-cleverly named IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth() function to test that condition.

For most purposes, a business day is any day except a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday.  This function builds off of previous functions that take each of those exceptions into consideration.  Those other functions are IsBusinessDay(), IsEndOfMonth(), and MonthEnd().  

Note that the unusual '>>> comment syntax in the code below is used to create Python-inspired doc tests, which both verify the correctness of the function and document its usage.

The Code

' Procedure : IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth
' Author    : Mike Wolfe (
' Date      : 11/21/2014
' Purpose   : Returns whether the given date is the last business day of the month.
'>>> IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#9/11/2001#)
' False
'>>> IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#5/31/2010#) Or IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#5/30/2010#) Or IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#5/29/2010#)
' False
'>>> IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#5/29/2010#, True)
' True
'>>> IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#5/28/2010#, True)
' False
'>>> IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#5/28/2010#)
' True
'>>> IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#5/27/2010#)
' False
'>>> IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#6/30/2010#)
' True
Function IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(AsOf As Date, Optional CountSatAsBusDay As Boolean = False) As Boolean
    'Is it even a business day?
    If IsBusinessDay(AsOf, CountSatAsBusDay) Then
        If IsEndOfMonth(AsOf) Then
            IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth = True
            Dim CurDay As Date
            For CurDay = MonthEnd(AsOf) To AsOf Step -1
                If IsBusinessDay(CurDay, CountSatAsBusDay) Then
                    If AsOf = CurDay Then
                        IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth = True
                        Exit For
                    End If
                End If
            Next CurDay
        End If
    End If
End Function

Image by Susanne Sailer from Pixabay

All original code samples by Mike Wolfe are licensed under CC BY 4.0