IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth() Function
I bet you can't guess what this function does.

One of our Access applications integrates with a reporting system that releases certain reports on the last business day of each month. Thus, I wrote the not-so-cleverly named IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth() function to test that condition.
For most purposes, a business day is any day except a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday. This function builds off of previous functions that take each of those exceptions into consideration. Those other functions are IsBusinessDay(), IsEndOfMonth(), and MonthEnd().
Note that the unusual '>>>
comment syntax in the code below is used to create Python-inspired doc tests, which both verify the correctness of the function and document its usage.
The Code
' Procedure : IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth
' Author : Mike Wolfe (
' Date : 11/21/2014
' Purpose : Returns whether the given date is the last business day of the month.
'>>> IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#9/11/2001#)
' False
'>>> IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#5/31/2010#) Or IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#5/30/2010#) Or IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#5/29/2010#)
' False
'>>> IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#5/29/2010#, True)
' True
'>>> IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#5/28/2010#, True)
' False
'>>> IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#5/28/2010#)
' True
'>>> IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#5/27/2010#)
' False
'>>> IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(#6/30/2010#)
' True
Function IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth(AsOf As Date, Optional CountSatAsBusDay As Boolean = False) As Boolean
'Is it even a business day?
If IsBusinessDay(AsOf, CountSatAsBusDay) Then
If IsEndOfMonth(AsOf) Then
IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth = True
Dim CurDay As Date
For CurDay = MonthEnd(AsOf) To AsOf Step -1
If IsBusinessDay(CurDay, CountSatAsBusDay) Then
If AsOf = CurDay Then
IsLastBusinessDayOfMonth = True
Exit For
End If
End If
Next CurDay
End If
End If
End Function
Image by Susanne Sailer from Pixabay