Archive Collection: Form Design

I've been writing a daily article here since September 1, 2020; that's over 800 articles.  I haven't missed a day yet, and that includes Christmas and Easter.  Well, I'm taking my first family vacation since I started writing this blog.  Our only other family vacation (which predates the blog) was a National Lampoon's-style disaster.  I hope this one is going better.

I'm writing this in the present tense, but I'm writing it for future publication with links to past articles.  Let's hope the time-space continuum holds up.

In any case, as the slacker Firstie says to the Stony Lonesome Gate guard twenty minutes before Taps, let me get to the Point.  I've got a daily publishing streak to keep up.  But I don't want to be writing and publishing articles on vacation.  And I still want to provide you with something of value to read each day.  So I settled on creating a series of curated article lists that I think you'll find beneficial.

I'm hoping at least some of these articles are ones you haven't read before.  And if you're so obsessed with me that you have read all my articles, I'm hoping that they'll keep you busy enough that you don't come looking for me and my family 😳.  


Form Design

Triple-State Modern On/Off Switch in Access
Yes, No, or I Don’t Know (or Don’t Care). With this updated design, you can offer your users a third option with your modern on/off switches.
Master Lookup Form
The Master Lookup Form is the hub of my Access applications.
Tabbed Master-Detail Form
The tabbed master-detail form is the heart of my Access applications. The first tab has record details, while the other tabs provide subforms for one-to-many relationships.
Two-Way Many-to-Many Form
Presenting many-to-many relationships intuitively is tricky. I use this style of form when the two sides of the relationship have a small number of records.
Progress Tracker Form
For recurring processes that have lots of required subtasks but with no dependencies among the subtasks, I turn to my Progress Tracker Form.
Add a Custom Right-Click Menu to an Access Control
It’s easier than you might think to add a right-click menu to a control on your Access form.
Dealing with Inactive Items in a Combo Box Row Source
There are many ways to deal with inactive RowSource items in combo boxes. Here’s a no-code technique that I find myself coming back to time and again.
ObscureInfo(): Hide Sensitive Information in Access Form Controls
Avoid over-the-shoulder attacks and prevent accidental disclosures in your Microsoft Access forms with this easy-to-implement function.

For more articles about form design, check out my Form Design tag page.