Week in Review: October 28, 2023
Highlights include integrating ChatGPT into Access, the new Access Program Manager (Linda Cannon) at Access Lunchtime, and the Access team weighs in on New Outlook.

Just Published
This section includes videos, articles, and interesting discussions from the past 7 days.
- The Microsoft Access Team's Position on New Outlook, by Karl Donaubauer
Colin Riddington (Isladogs on Access)
Crystal Long (Ms Access Gurus | Access Access Newsletter)
Mike Wolfe (NoLongerSet)
Access User Group Recordings (YouTube channel)
- Meet new Access PM; Accessibility is for Everyone (57:29): with Linda Cannon, Tom van Stiphout, Kim Young
George Hepworth (YouTube channel)
- Building the Lander Trail Foundation Searchable Catalog, Part 8 (12:57): App Variables and Application Bias
Sean MacKenzie (YouTube channel)
- Prompts (39:27): ADI Part 3: How to Build Prompts in Microsoft Access
Richard Rost (YouTube channel)
- Cache Locally (14:02): How to Cache Data Locally to Improve Read-Only Form and Report Performance in Microsoft Access
- Internal Field List (12:54): Understanding a Form's Internal Field List in Microsoft Access and When it Updates for VBA
- Uncheckable Checkbox (18:57): How to Check an Uncheckable Checkbox on a Non-Updateable Form in Microsoft Access
- Transparent Buttons (14:06): Enhance Your Microsoft Access Forms with Transparent Buttons
- OpenAI - Part 2 (22:59): Unlocking the Potential of ChatGPT in Microsoft Access via OpenAI's API - Part 2
- Developer 44 (00:54): Customizing The Microsoft Access Ribbon, Part 1
Pharos Technology [Dr. Richard Hanson] (YouTube channel)
- What Are Libraries? (05:12): Expanding Microsoft Access: Integrating Libraries in Microsoft Access
- DLookup() Records with VBA) (06:48): Mastering the DLookup Function for Form-Level Data
New to Me
This section includes content I discovered this week that has been around for awhile.
Nothing new this week.
Upcoming Access User Group Events
NOTE: Only English-language user group meetings with scheduled guest speakers or topics are listed. For a complete list of upcoming events, visit the Access User Group event calendar.
- October 31, 2023: Crystal Long and Adrian Bell- Two free tools: List Objects from your Access Databases and Code Documenter (UPDATED: added Adrian Bell as second presenter)
- November 1, 2023: John Heaser - Extending Access with SQL Server – including Geography data
- November 2, 2023: John Colby - Event Driven Programming: Part II (Part I recording)
- November 16, 2023: Alexander Denz - ChatGPT in Access
- November 22-23, 2023: (IN-PERSON!) UK Access User Group Conference (at the offices of Gordon Associates in Cheltenham)
- December 6, 2023: Mike Wolfe - Streamline Your Import/Export Spec Workflow with VBA Classes
- January 3, 2024: Ramachandran (A.P.R.) Pillai - Streamlining the Form Module Code in the standalone Class Module
- February 7, 2024: Carlos Quintero - Features of MZ-Tools to make you more productive with VBA
- March 6, 2024: Thomas Möller - Better Access Charts in the new Edge Browser Control
- April 3, 2024: Dale Fye - Working with Command Bars and the Access Shortcut Tool
- May 1, 2024: Colin Riddington - View & Edit Import/Export (IMEX) Data Task Specifications
Access Roadmap
There were NO CHANGES to the roadmap between the last Week in Review (2023-10-21) and this one (2023-10-28).
The development priorities were last updated on October 12, 2022.
Listed below is a snapshot of the official Access Roadmap.
"In Development", "Rolling Out", and "Launched" are Microsoft terms that I pulled straight from the public roadmap.
"Development Priorities" do not appear on the Access Roadmap. Instead, they get updated from time to time in official Access blog posts. I'll include a link to the official Access blog post that lists the current development priorities as they get updated.
Development Priorities
The items listed below reflect Microsoft's order of priority and were published in the following article, Our Road Ahead - Microsoft Access Engineering Priorities Oct 2022.
New priorities added since the previous set of priorities are shown in bold below. Dropped priorities are struck through.
- Continued Focus on Monthly Issue Fixes (Monthly Issue Fix Blog)
- Inconsistent Database Error Fix
- New Macro Signing Support
- New (Modern) Web Browser Control (to support Chromium Edge)
- Dataverse Connector Data Type Support for Floating Point
- Dataverse Connector Data Type Support for Rich Text
- Dataverse Connector support to export to a specific Dataverse solution or publisher
Enabling Large Address Aware (LAA) for 32-Bit AccessSQL Monaco EditorNew Microsoft Graph Data Connector
In Development
NOV 2023
: Making 32-bit Access Large Address Aware (LAA)
Rolling Out
APR 2023
: Modern Web Browser ControlMAR 2023
: New Modern Web Browser Form Control