VBA IsBusinessDay() Function

A simple function that returns True except for weekends and US federal holidays.

VBA IsBusinessDay() Function

Business days

Oftentimes when dealing with dates, we may want to know whether a given day is a business day or not.  For most purposes, a business day is any day except for the following:

  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Federal Holiday

Identifying federal holidays

Identifying Saturdays and Sundays is easy.  The trickier part is identifying whether a given date is a federal holiday.  In my article yesterday, I shared a brute-force function that returns a collection of US federal holidays between two dates.  

The IsFederalHoliday() function

To test if a specific date is a federal holiday, we can call that function with the same start and end date and then check the Count property of the returned collection.

'Requires FederalHolidays() function available at:
'      https://nolongerset.com/calculating-holidays-in-vba/
Function IsFederalHoliday(AsOf As Date) As Boolean
    IsFederalHoliday = (FederalHolidays(AsOf, AsOf).Count = 1)
End Function

The IsBusinessDay() function

With the IsFederalHoliday() function in place, we can now add some Saturday/Sunday checks to identify whether a given date is a business day.

In my particular use case, I sometimes needed to treat Saturdays as business days. For example, bank branches are often open on Saturdays, but closed on Sundays and federal holidays.  So, I added an optional flag to the IsBusinessDay() function in case we want to treat Saturdays as business days.

Function IsBusinessDay(AsOf As Date, Optional CountSatAsBusDay As Boolean = False) As Boolean
    Select Case Weekday(AsOf)
    Case vbSunday
        IsBusinessDay = False
    Case vbSaturday
        If Not CountSatAsBusDay Then
            IsBusinessDay = False
            IsBusinessDay = True
        End If
    Case Else
        IsBusinessDay = True
    End Select
    If IsBusinessDay Then
        'Make sure it's not a Federal Holiday
        IsBusinessDay = (Not IsFederalHoliday(AsOf))
    End If
End Function

The Code

The code below combines the two functions above.  This version of the code also includes Python-inspired doc tests.  Note that you will also need a copy of the FederalHolidays() function.

' Procedure : IsBusinessDay
' Author    : Mike
' Date      : 11/20/2014
' Purpose   : Returns True if the AsOf date is a business day.
' Notes     - Sundays always return False.
'           - Saturdays return False by default, but optional param allows that to be changed.
'           - Federal Holidays (as published by OPM) return False.
'           - All other days return True.
'>>> IsBusinessDay(#9/11/2001#)
' True
'>>> IsBusinessDay(#12/25/2014#)
' False
'>>> IsBusinessDay(#5/29/2010#) Or IsBusinessDay(#5/30/2010#) Or IsBusinessDay(#5/31/2010#)
' False
Function IsBusinessDay(AsOf As Date, Optional CountSatAsBusDay As Boolean = False) As Boolean
    Select Case Weekday(AsOf)
    Case vbSunday
        IsBusinessDay = False
    Case vbSaturday
        If Not CountSatAsBusDay Then
            IsBusinessDay = False
            IsBusinessDay = True
        End If
    Case Else
        IsBusinessDay = True
    End Select
    If IsBusinessDay Then
        'Make sure it's not a Federal Holiday
        IsBusinessDay = (Not IsFederalHoliday(AsOf))
    End If
End Function

'>>> IsFederalHoliday(#7/4/2019#)
' True
'>>> IsFederalHoliday(#7/3/2019#)
' False
'>>> IsFederalHoliday(#7/4/2020#)
' False
'>>> IsFederalHoliday(#7/3/2020#)
' True
Function IsFederalHoliday(AsOf As Date) As Boolean
    IsFederalHoliday = (FederalHolidays(AsOf, AsOf).Count = 1)
End Function

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

UPDATE [2023-02-15]: Updated to use the FederalHolidays() function instead of FedHolidays() function because of the wider range of acceptable start and end dates.

All original code samples by Mike Wolfe are licensed under CC BY 4.0