Error Handling The Form Error Event: How to Handle "Untrappable" Access Errors The Form Error event comes to the rescue for a category of errors impervious to `On Error Resume Next` and `DoCmd.SetWarnings False`.
Combo Boxes Using the NotInList Event in Microsoft Access to Dynamically Update Combo Boxes The Microsoft Access combo box's NotInList event lets you provide "just-in-time" features for building a simple and intuitive user experience.
Combo Boxes A Lazy-Loading Combo Box In Only 3 Lines of Code Combo boxes that pull down too many records can slow down your Access forms. Boost performance with my class module and 3 lines of code.
Events The ArrowKeyNav Journey A full breakdown of my weArrowKeyNav class module that uses WithEvents to override the default up and down arrow key behavior in continuous Access forms.
Events AddNew Increments AutoNumber Fields Thanks to Ben Clothier, we've got another improvement to our Arrow Key Navigation class.
Events ComboBox Dropped Down State Overriding the up/down arrow key behavior improves the user experience on a continuous Access form. But what if the user drops down a combo box?
Events Many Objects, One Class Module Check out this trick for reducing boilerplate code: maintain a private collection of objects that are instances of the class itself.
Events ArrowKeyNav Presentation A list of resources and further reading to support my presentation on Navigating Continuous Forms using WithEvents.
Advanced Handling Multiple Control Types in a WithEvents Class Using WithEvents to subclass form controls is a powerful technique. Here's one way to handle multiple control types in a single class.
Advanced Using WithEvents to Encapsulate Event Handling Code You don't need to call the event handler for every control to handle its events. Instead, you can use WithEvents to encapsulate that code in a class module.
Events The ArrowKeyNav Routine Enable Excel-like navigation in your continuous forms by overriding the default behavior of the up and down arrow keys.
Basic KeyCode and Shift Arguments The KeyDown and KeyUp events include KeyCode and Shift arguments to identify which keys the user pressed. Let's explore those arguments in more detail.
Basic Handling Keyboard Events in Access This beginner article will step you through the process of how to begin writing code that runs when a user presses a key on the keyboard.
Advanced Raising Custom Events in VBA This quick tutorial will have you writing custom events in VBA in no time.