Scaling Back
Publishing every day is a grind.

Back on September 1, 2020, I started publishing an article every day here.
Over that time, I've published over 1,300 articles and written more than one million words. As you can imagine, it's no small amount of work. Trying to run a business, and write a daily article, and raise a family, and occasionally onboard two new clients while simultaneously losing a full-time employee, can sometimes be...a lot.
And so, with a heavy heart, I'm announcing I will no longer be publishing a daily article.
The New Normal
I will continue publishing, but the timing will be more sporadic. Some weeks there will be many articles. Some weeks not so much. I will continue publishing my Week in Review article. For those of you interested in twinBASIC, I will also continue publishing a twinBASIC weekly update.
So, at a minimum, I will continue publishing at least two articles every week.
Mailing List
For those on my mailing list, I will continue sending that out early every Sunday morning.
The newsletter currently uses RSS to send the most recent six articles I've published (I stopped publishing a Sunday article a few weeks ago). The RSS automation will remain in place for the time being, as I don't anticipate writing more than six articles in a single week. However, it does mean that you will see articles in the newsletter that appeared in previous newsletters.
A Heartfelt Thank You
In closing, I would like to thank each of you for reading this blog and making it as successful as it has been.
The positive feedback I have gotten over the years is what has kept me going for this long. The appreciation you have shown has made all the long hours and late nights worth it.
In making this announcement, I feel the worst about those readers who have told me these articles have become part of their morning routine. In fact, part of the reason I'm writing this post at all is that I get concerned emails from readers on days when I've written my article but forgot to post it (or when I stopped publishing my Sunday article).
The community that's built up around this blog restores my hope that the internet can still be a place where well-meaning people can have positive interactions with each other.
Not Goodbye!
Before this gets any more sentimental, I want to reiterate: I'm not going anywhere. I just won't be publishing quite as much as you are used to.
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