Access Roadmap Update
Microsoft has recently updated the Access roadmap for 2021 and beyond. Check out what's on the horizon for the next 14 months.

Microsoft updated the official Access roadmap at the end of October 2021.
Here–in chronological order–is what's new and upcoming for our favorite Office application:
Recently Added Features
ODBC Interface Support (without ACE Redistributable Engine)
General Availability: January 2021
If you have O365, or click-to-run versions of Access 2016/2019 Consumer installed, you will no longer need to install the ACE Redistributable to use the ACE ODBC provider.
DAO Interface Support (without ACE Redistributable Engine)
General Availability: January 2021
If you have O365, or click-to-run versions of Access 2016/2019 Consumer installed, you will no longer need to install the ACE Redistributable to use the ACE DAO provider.
Currently In Preview
Dataverse Connector
Preview: November 2021
General Availability: March 2022
We are providing a collaborative platform for you to integrate your data and applications into the cloud/mobile-based world through Dataverse while continuing to preserve the Access Desktop value. This opens a realm of opportunities to share and collaborate on your apps & data in our consistently growing Teams and Power Apps/Dataverse ecosystems.
New Microsoft Graph Data Connector
General Availability: March 2022
Link to or import from Microsoft Graph services to build Access applications that can leverage the smart contextual data stored in the Graph.
New (Modern) Web Browser Control (to support Chromium Edge)
General Availability: September 2022
Improve and increase the efficiency of your browsing capabilities through our Modern Web BrowserControl, which will support our new Chromium Edge browser.
Enabling Large Address Aware (LAA) for 32-Bit Access
General Availability: September 2022
32-bit Access will become Large Address Aware (LAA) to address 4G of memory, rather than 2G.
Read my article, Large Address Aware Flag, for more information.
SQL Monaco Editor
General Availability: December 2022
Use the embedded Monaco Editor, the same editor used for Visual Studio Code, in Access.
Here's to hoping Microsoft is able to hit a few of these estimates, especially since many of them have already been delayed by 6 -12 months (looking at you, Large Address Aware feature). In the meantime, we'll have to make do with creative workarounds and migrating to 64-bit wherever possible.
External references

Referenced articles

Image by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay
UPDATED [2021-11-16]: Added link to Large Address Aware Flag article.