Advanced Combo Box Techniques

Today I gave my presentation on implementing Advanced Combo Box Techniques to the Eastern Time Access Users Group.  Former Access MVP Dale Fye (a fellow member of the Long Gray Line!) was my gracious host.


Slide deck

Here's a PDF copy of the slides:

Sample database

Here's a copy of the sample database from my demo:

WithEvents introductory presentation

As promised in the meeting, here is a link to my last presentation:

ArrowKeyNav Presentation
A list of resources and further reading to support my presentation on Navigating Continuous Forms using WithEvents.
A link to my last presentation. A great "getting started" introduction to WithEvents.

The lovely and generous Crystal (@strive4peace123) edited the video and posted it within the Access User Group series on YouTube.  This is a much better version than the raw video I uploaded shortly after the event, as it includes a time-stamped table of contents and links to additional resources in the video's description.

The raw video recording is available on YouTube:

Further reading

Below is a sampling of my articles that go more in depth into some of the topics I mentioned during my talk:

Combo Boxes - No Longer Set
Take your combo boxes to the next level with advanced techniques like cascading, lazy loading, and multi-column progressive filtering.
All the articles I've written having to do with combo boxes (ten articles and counting).
Python-inspired Doc Tests in VBA
Doc tests are not a replacement for unit or integration testing. But they do provide the best return on investment (ROI) of any type of test, mostly because the effort to write them is near zero.
The One Function Every VBA Developer Needs in a WithEvents Class
Your WithEvents event handlers will only run if you set the event property to ”[Event Procedure].” Here’s a safe and easy way to do that.
Throwing Errors in VBA
Introducing a frictionless alternative to Err.Raise.
JetShowPlan: A Primer
You may be familiar with JetShowPlan, but I guarantee you’ve never read an article about it quite like this one.

UPDATE [2021-07-23]: I added a link to the presentation video on YouTube.

UPDATE [2021-07-31]: I added a link to the edited Access User Group video on YouTube.