Archive Collection: Window Functions

I've been writing a daily article here since September 1, 2020; that's over 1,200 articles.  I haven't missed a day yet, and that includes Christmas and Easter. I'm currently on a family vacation, which makes maintaining this streak a bit...tricky.

I'm writing this in the present tense, but I'm writing it for future publication with links to past articles.  Let's hope the time-space continuum holds up.

In any case, as the slacker Firstie says to the Stony Lonesome Gate guard twenty minutes before Taps, let me get to the Point.  I've got a daily publishing streak to keep up.  But I don't want to be writing and publishing articles on vacation.  And I still want to provide you with something of value to read each day.  So I settled on creating a series of curated article lists that I think you'll find beneficial.

I'm hoping at least some of these articles are ones you haven't read before.  And if you're so obsessed with me that you have read all my articles, I'm hoping that they'll keep you busy enough that you don't come looking for me and my family 😳.  


Window Functions

Fun with Form Windows
Using my FillAccessWindow function to resize Form and Report objects relative to the amount of available space on the Access canvas.
KeepFormOnCanvas(): Get Back Here, Form!
What happens if the user resizes their Access window so that our form can’t open in its entirety? KeepFormOnCanvas() to the rescue!
Get a Handle on Window State
Using the IsZoomed and IsIconic API calls to return the window state (minimized, maximized, or restored) of a form, report, or Access itself.
UseHand(): Changing the Mouse Cursor in Microsoft Access
A classic Microsoft Access mouse cursor trick gets simplified and updated for 64-bit VBA compatibility.
CascadeForm(): Prevent Multi-Instance Forms From Hiding Behind Each Other
The CascadeForm() function introduces the cascading-window effect from the Windows operating system to Microsoft Access.
CenterForm(): Using the Windows API to Center Forms on the Access Canvas
The form Auto-Center property is all you need in most cases. However, let’s consider four different situations where my custom code might be a better fit.
How to Set the Background Color of the Microsoft Access Application Window with VBA
A series of Windows API calls will “repaint” the Microsoft Access canvas with the color of your choice. It is a bit rough around the edges, though...

Additional Reading

Code Library
Building Your LibraryThirteen years ago, I chose to maintain a folder of textfiles rather than a single Access database library. I’ve never once regrettedthat decision.No Longer SetMike Wolfe []TheDependency TrainLet’s torture a train metaphor to illu…