Archive Collection: SQL Server

From September 1, 2020, through April 27, 2024, I posted an article here every single day.  Beginning on April 28, 2024, I started slacking by taking off Sundays.  So, while my daily streak has been broken, I still have an automated weekly email that goes out every Sunday morning and includes details of the last six articles I've posted. (You should sign up for it if you haven't already; just hit the [Subscribe] button above.)

In other words, I still need to post a new article every Monday through Saturday or my weekly email doesn't work right.  I'm currently on vacation, though, which makes maintaining this streak a bit...tricky.

I don't want to be writing and publishing articles on vacation.  And I still want to provide you with something of value to read each day.  So I settled on creating a series of curated article lists that I think you'll find beneficial.

I'm hoping at least some of these articles are ones you haven't read before.  And if you're so obsessed with me that you have read all my articles, I'm hoping that they'll keep you busy enough that you don't come looking for me and my family 😳.  


SQL Server

Troubleshooting SQL Server Connection Errors
“SQL Server does not exist or access denied.” One error. Dozens of possible causes. Read on for a bunch of practical troubleshooting tips.
B-BEAR: Quick and Dirty SQL Server Testing
Begin, Before, Execute, After, Rollback. This technique makes testing your SQL Server statements a snap.
All Hail Ola!
If you’re managing SQL Server and you’re not using Ola Hallengren’s scripts, then you’re doing it wrong.
Save $3,500 by Creating Scheduled Backups Using SQL Server Express
You don’t need to spend big bucks to get automated database backups with SQL Server. This simple step-by-step process is nearly foolproof.
5 Tips for Making Changes on Live SQL Server Databases
Making database changes on production? These 5 tips will make one of the most dangerous programming activities a little bit safer.
Editing Data Directly in SSMS
Query results in SQL Server Management Studio are read-only by default. Follow these steps to edit SQL Server table data directly inside SSMS.
Using Windows Authentication to Connect to SQL Server from Outside the Domain
You don’t need to join your computer to a domain to be able to connect to SQL Server using Windows Authentication. You just need to know this simple trick.
Yes/No Fields in SQL Server
The SQL Server equivalent of an Access Yes/No field is the “bit” data type. Or is it?

Additional Reading

SQL Server - No Longer Set
Articles directly related to Microsoft SQL Server, my preferred back-end data storage solution for Access applications.