The Complicator's Gloves: A Cautionary Tale for Software Developers
If you've never read this story, you are in for a treat:
I force myself to read that story at least once a year as a self-imposed intervention.
You see, I'm a recovering Complicator myself. I'm prone to frequent relapses. My team goes through a lot of metaphorical rope lashing me to the mast Odysseus-style lest I succumb to the siren song of over-engineered software solutions. (Unfortunately for them, I'm good at knots.)
When I inevitably break loose my binds, my last defense is to fall back on the author's final words of advice:
"[T]he next time you find yourself designing software, be wary of The Complicators; take a good, hard look at your first revision and just say to yourself, 'gloves.'"
-Alex Papadimoulis