Syntax Errors

This is part 1 of a 7-part series comparing different kinds of software bugs.

What is a Syntax Error?

A syntax error is any invalid sequence of characters in your code that cannot be parsed.  

Parsing (a.k.a. syntax analysis) is a rather deep topic in computer science.  The first step in parsing most languages is to convert the individual characters into lexical tokens.  Most syntax errors arise from improper ordering of these lexical tokens.

For example, if you forget to add the enclosing parenthesis when declaring a procedure, that is a syntax error:

Oops, I forgot the enclosing parenthesis. This should have been Sub Foo().

In VBA, syntax errors are shown in red text by default.  You can change this setting by going to Tools > Options > _| Editor Format |_

You can make the Syntax Error Text any color you want. Red's probably a strong choice, though.

Syntax errors are the easiest bugs to fix because they are so hard to miss.  In fact, by default, VBA throws up a message box any time you move your cursor off of a line that contains a syntax error.

I get it. I made a mistake. The text is red. The message box is a bit much, to be honest.

I find this default behavior quite obnoxious.  It's one of the first options I change on a new installation of VBA.  To disable the behavior, go to Tools > Options and then uncheck the box next to Auto Syntax Check.  

While we're here, we might as well make sure that "Require Variable Declaration" is checked, too.

Causes of Syntax Errors

There are two main causes of syntax errors in programming:

  1. Learning a new language
  2. Typos

Learning a new language

Every programming language has its own syntactical quirks.  The C family loves braces.  Python loves indentation.  BASIC loves words.  And Perl loves #%@!{}]&.

Every language comes with a learning curve.  The leading edge of that curve is understanding the syntax.  I find it takes me about two weeks of working in a language every day to become completely comfortable with the syntax.

During this two-week learning period, leaving the Auto Syntax Check option enabled might make sense.  Once you become fluent in VBA, though, you'll want to turn that option off before you throw your computer through the window*.

* Yes, I said "through" the window, not "out" the window.  I find the Auto Syntax Check so obnoxious that–if forced to use it–I would not even take the time to open the window prior to the defenestration.  I would hurl my device with such force that it would shatter the glass into a million pieces.  The gentle tinkling of the shards as they tumbled to the ground would soothe my savage state.

I may have an irrational hatred of the Auto Syntax Check feature.


After the first two weeks of writing code–in any language–the main source of syntax errors will be typos: accidentally hitting Enter before adding a closing parenthesis; using a single-quote in place of a double-quote because your right pinky got to the quote key before your left pinky could hold down the Shift key; bumping the keyboard with your face as you reach down to pull bits of broken glass from between your toes (it was still worth it); etc.

Consequences of Syntax Errors

Annoyance.  That's pretty much it.  

It's close to impossible for a syntax error to slip through the cracks and end up in your production code, especially if you are explicitly compiling your code on a regular basis (Debug > Compile or [Alt] + [D], [L]).

External references

Parsing - Wikipedia
[MS-VBAL]: Lexical Tokens
The syntax of VBA programs is most easily described in terms of lexical tokens rather than individual Unicode characters. In particular, the
RSA in 3 lines of perl -
Common .signature file for people who oppose the idiotic restrictions on cryptography imposed by the United States government. The magic script is unrea...

Referenced articles

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Not all bugs are created equal. Avoid the expensive ones by making more of the ones that are easy to find and fix.

Image by Vladan Rajkovic from Pixabay