Mailgun: Quick Start Guide for VBA Developers

In the words of my teenage daughter, Microsoft is going "full send" on its transition to New Outlook.

Breaking Changes: New Outlook Auto-Migration Begins January 2025
Microsoft announces timeline for breaking your Access applications: automatic migration to New Outlook begins January 2025. Here’s why you shouldn’t rush to rewrite everything (yet).

With that in mind, we as Access developers need to start preparing for this transition. There's still time for Microsoft to come up with an official workaround–Classic Outlook will be supported through at least 2029–but it's never too early to start thinking about alternatives. In an earlier article, I floated the idea of using Mailgun as one such COM-free alternative.

Mailgun: An Email-Sending Alternative for Access Developers
For VBA developers grappling with the looming specter of “New Outlook” and Microsoft’s general disdain for COM automation, Mailgun offers an intriguing alternative.

Here's a quick start guide to sending a simple proof-of-concept email with Mailgun via VBA.

Sign Up For a Free Account

Visit and click the [Get Started for Free] button.

As of writing, the sign up screen will default you to a 30-day trial of their $35/mo Foundation plan. You can do that if you want, but be aware that you will need to provide credit card info as part of the signup.

The free tier supports sending of up to 100 emails a day and grants full API access. That's perfect for our initial testing.

You will need two things to sign up for a free account:

  1. A valid email address
  2. A mobile phone number

Note that you do not need a credit card to test the free plan.

Getting Started

Upon logging in for the first time, you will be greeted with the following "Get started guide":

There are five steps:

  1. Create an API key
  2. Send a Test Email
  3. Add a Custom Domain
  4. Send a Production Email
  5. Explore Suppression Lists

We will cover the first two steps in this article just to prove the concept and get you some working VBA code.

Create an API Key

API keys are passwords that you use in your code to connect with the Mailgun service.

You can create as many API keys as you want. For security, you'll want to create multiple keys so that if one gets compromised you can delete it without breaking all your other applications. For now, though, we just need to create one key to test the service.

  1. Click [Create API key]
  2. Enter a description for the new API key (I used "Initial Test")
  3. Click [Create Key]

Mailgun only shows the full API key once, so save it somewhere safe. I saved mine in my KeePass database.

If you do lose the API key, simply delete the key from your account and generate a new one.

All your valid API keys appear in the Mailgun API keys page. For each key, you will see the:

  1. Key ID: the last 16 hex characters of your full API key
  2. Description: the description you gave your key when you created it
  3. Created date: the date you created the key

After creating your first key, click the "Get started" page on the left nav bar to move on to the next steps.

Send a Test Email

There are two ways to get to the page with details for sending your test email:

  1. Via the "Get Started" Menu
    - Click [Get started] under the "Send a Test Email" heading
  2. Via the Main Navigation sidebar
    - Navigate to Send > Sending > Overview

Configure an "Authorized Recipient" email address

First, you must set up and verify an "Authorized recipient" email address. This lets us test the service without a credit card while disincentivizing abuse by spammers.

  1. Enter an email address you control in the "Authorized Recipients" text box and then click on [Save Recipient]
  2. The recipient email will immediately appear under the [Save Recipient] button along with "Unverified" in orange letters
  3. Go check your email and click the links to accept test emails from Mailgun
  4. Refresh the web page and the orange "Unverified" text should be replaced with green "Verified" text

API: Get Your Unique Info

It's hard to believe, but Mailgun does not provide sample VBA code (I know, right?). Don't worry, though. I've got you covered.

Before we get to the sample code, you will need some info that's unique to your account. The easiest way to get that is via the cURL sample:

  1. Click the [Select] button under the API heading
  2. Click cURL to show the sample curl code
  3. Note the URL (box 1) and From Address (box 2) in the screenshot below; you will need to copy and paste those strings into constants in the VBA sample code

VBA Sample Code: Simple Email Sending Test

Here's some sample code to test the integration.

  1. Copy and paste the sample code below into your Access application
  2. Overwrite the Url constant with the cURL sample text from Box 1 above
  3. Overwrite the FromAddress constant with the cURL sample text from Box 2 above
  4. Run SendEmailWithMailgun from the immediate window

If all goes well, you should see a message box that says "Email sent successfully!"

If there are problems, you will get a "Failed to send email" message, along with the specific HTTP error code and response text from the Mailgun server.

Sub SendEmailWithMailgun()
    ' Constants
    Const ApiKey As String = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef-01234567-89abcdef"   '<-- REPLACE WITH YOUR INFO
    Const Url As String = ""   '<-- REPLACE WITH YOUR INFO (get from cURL example on
    Const FromAddress As String = "Excited User <>"   '<-- REPLACE WITH YOUR INFO (get from cURL example on
    Const ToAddress1 As String = ""    '<-- REPLACE WITH YOUR INFO (must be a verified recipient if you are testing with the free plan)
    Const Subject As String = "Hello"
    Const BodyText As String = "Testing some Mailgun awesomeness!"

    ' Prepare the POST data
    Dim PostData As String
    PostData = "from=" & UrlEncode(FromAddress) & _
               "&to=" & UrlEncode(ToAddress1) & _
               "&subject=" & UrlEncode(Subject) & _
               "&text=" & UrlEncode(BodyText)
    ' Create the HTTP request object
    Dim Http As Object
    Set Http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
    ' Open the request
    Http.Open "POST", Url, False
    ' Set the authentication header
    Http.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " & EncodeBase64("api:" & ApiKey)
    ' Set the content type
    Http.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    ' Send the request with the POST data
    Http.Send PostData
    ' Check the response
    If Http.Status = 200 Then
        MsgBox "Email sent successfully!", vbInformation
        MsgBox "Failed to send email. Status: " & Http.Status & vbCrLf & "Response: " & Http.ResponseText, vbExclamation
    End If
    ' Clean up
    Set Http = Nothing
End Sub

' Function to encode data for URL parameters
Function UrlEncode(ByVal Text As String) As String
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To Len(Text)
        Dim Char As String
        Char = Mid(Text, i, 1)
        Dim Result As String
        Select Case Asc(Char)
        Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122 ' 0-9, A-Z, a-z
            Result = Result & Char
        Case Else
            Result = Result & "%" & Hex(Asc(Char))
        End Select
    Next i
    UrlEncode = Result
End Function

' Function to encode a string in Base64 format
Function EncodeBase64(ByVal Text As String) As String
    Dim ArrData() As Byte
    ArrData = StrConv(Text, vbFromUnicode)
    Dim ObjXml As Object
    Set ObjXml = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    Dim ObjNode As Object
    Set ObjNode = ObjXml.CreateElement("b64")
    ObjNode.DataType = "bin.base64"
    ObjNode.NodeTypedValue = ArrData
    EncodeBase64 = ObjNode.Text
    ' Clean up
    Set ObjNode = Nothing
    Set ObjXml = Nothing
End Function

What's Next

In future articles, we will explore more advanced use cases including:

  • Multiple To:/CC: email addresses
  • Attaching files
  • Sending HTML emails
  • Setting up custom sending domains
  • Supporting multiple customers (i.e., multi-tenant configuration)

Keep an eye on the Email tag for related articles.

  • One or more code samples generated with the help of ChatGPT
  • Cover image generated by FLUX-schnell