Convenience Functions (My Secret Weapon to Create Self-Commenting Code)

A "convenience" function is a short procedure that wraps a bit of functionality into a more readable form.

When I say short, I mean really short.  Many of these procedures contain only a single line of executable code.  

I used to feel silly writing these kinds of routines.  After all, how much can you really gain by replacing one line of code with a different, functionally-equivalent line of code?  Quite a bit, as it turns out.

Wherefore Convenience Functions

Why do I use thee?  Let me count the ways.

Don't repeat yourself

Anytime you find yourself copying and pasting code–even if it's only a single line–you should stop and consider whether that code could be extracted into a standalone procedure.

For example, I always open reports in Print Preview mode rather than sending them directly to the printer (which is the default behavior of DoCmd.OpenReport).  This resulted in lots of code that looked like this:

DoCmd.OpenReport RptName, acViewPreview, , WhereCondition

This is very readable code, notwithstanding the omitted FilterName parameter resulting in an extra comma.  I was repeating myself, though.  I had to remember to include the acViewPreview flag every time I called this method.  But I didn't always remember.

In fact, I forgot the acViewPreview flag so often, that I finally gave up and set my default printer to a virtual printer driver to save on paper.  I realized that was silly, so I created a convenience function to wrap the above command and remove the need for the preview flag:

PreviewReport RptName, WhereCondition

Evolving needs

What begins as a simple wrapper function often expands into something with additional functionality.  If you are using a custom procedure to provide some feature, you can improve the feature by modifying the code in a single, central location.

In fact, the PreviewReport function from above is a perfect example of something that started as a convenience function but evolved into something that addressed several frustrations I had with the built-in DoCmd.OpenReport method.

Self-commenting code

What's better than well-commented code?  Well-written code that requires no comments.

Here's a quick example from my article on date-related convenience functions:

'--== Well-commented code ==--
'Calculate the start and end of the current month
StartDate = DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date), 1)
EndDate = DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date)+1, 0)

'--== Self-commented code ==--
StartDate = MonthStart(Date)
EndDate = MonthEnd(Date)

Why is self-commenting code better than well-commented code?  Because sometimes good comments go bad.

Improved readability

How do you force Access to save the current record in a bound form?  You set the form's Dirty property to False.  I often do this as a first step before previewing a report.  This ensures the report has access to data the user may have just entered.

Me.Dirty = False  'Save the current record
PreviewReport RptName

Of course, sometimes Access can't save the record due to some failed validation condition.   When the save fails, I usually want to exit the routine to give the user a chance to deal with the issue.  One way to do this would be to turn off error-handling, try to set Dirty to False, and then restore error-handling if the save succeeds.

On Error Resume Next
Me.Dirty = False  'Try to save the current record
If Me.Dirty Then Exit Sub  'There are unsaved changes and the save failed
On Error Goto 0

PreviewReport RptName

Again, this is fairly easy to follow.  But if I use my SaveFails convenience function, the code is much more readable:

If SaveFails(Me) Then Exit Sub
PreviewReport RptName

Referenced articles

“Convenience” Date Functions
The DateSerial function is easy to write, but it’s not as easy to read. Let’s make our code easier to read with some “convenience functions.”
When Good Comments Go Bad
Bad actors carry out disinformation campaigns to poison our discourse. But when we write code, sometimes we’re the bad actors.
Previewing Reports
That sound of your printer warming up means you forgot the acViewPreview flag again. You’re better off avoiding DoCmd.OpenReport entirely.
PreviewReport Function
This custom function is the simplest and safest way to preview reports in any Microsoft Access application.
My Dirty Little Secret
I don’t use Me.Dirty = False in my #msaccess code. I wrap it up and call it from a “guard clause” instead.

Image by MasterTux from Pixabay