Archive Collection: Fluent Interfaces

From September 1, 2020, through April 27, 2024, I posted an article here every single day.  Beginning on April 28, 2024, I started slacking by taking off Sundays.  So, while my daily streak has been broken, I still have an automated weekly email that goes out every Sunday morning and includes details of the last six articles I've posted. (You should sign up for it if you haven't already; just hit the [Subscribe] button above.)

In other words, I still need to post a new article every Monday through Saturday or my weekly email doesn't work right.  I'm currently on vacation, though, which makes maintaining this streak a bit...tricky.

I don't want to be writing and publishing articles on vacation.  And I still want to provide you with something of value to read each day.  So I settled on creating a series of curated article lists that I think you'll find beneficial.

I'm hoping at least some of these articles are ones you haven't read before.  And if you're so obsessed with me that you have read all my articles, I'm hoping that they'll keep you busy enough that you don't come looking for me and my family 😳.  


Fluent Interfaces

Fluent Interfaces
It’s probably irresponsible of me to share the following technique with you because you’ll be so tempted to abuse it. But let’s do it anyway.
Diving Deeper into the World of Fluent APIs: An Unusual Way of Constructing Class Modules
Martin Fowler first coined the term fluent interfaces back in 2005. What are they, what do you need to know about them, and what do they look like in VBA?
When to Build Fluent APIs
Fluent programming interfaces can be your best friend or your worst enemy. So how do you know when they are appropriate to use?
Learning From Other Languages
Even if you only write code professionally in a single language, learning the concepts and idioms of other languages will make you a better programmer.
Form Templates Presentation to the Denver Area Access User Group
A list of resources and further reading for my presentation on Form Templates in Microsoft Access.